I always come back....

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Totally not a fnaf reference above.....

ANYWAY! Sorry this A/N will be so long. I tend to explain things TOO much. And right now I'm gonna say please before saying anything about myself and my life you read everything thoroughly. -_-'

Small SH Trigger warning ahead

Update on myself and school.

I'm back! But I've got a lot going on this school year so far, its been hard on me and I've done some things to myself that aren't very safe. I have talked to my mom, me and her both have talked it over with my counselor. The cause of this has been a LOT of drama with some friends I've known since middle school. As of now I'm a Senior in highschool, I've known these people since 6th grade so nearly 6 years. I don't want to get into it to much. My ex dumped me, we had shared a walking fitness class together with most of our shared friend group, which were a lot of my closer friends I've known since 6th grade, slowy after my break up with my ex they one by one slowly stopped walking with me, stopped talking with me, and completely moved to the opposite side of me to sit with my ex. Basically I had been alienated for the whole class, which was a whole hour long. So essentially imagine me walking alone for a whole hour while I watched them all laugh and have fun, talk about things I had interests in and etc. Well I gave my ex a week exactly to try and salvage our relationship and after that I knew deep down if I didn't move on then and there I'd never move on. So the second week after my break up, I start liking another guy, we talked for a bit and he invited me to a football game. The football game was exactly 2 weeks aftery break up, by the end of the game the guy and I start going out. But that turned out to be the last straw withy friends, due to my now boyfriend being 2 years younger, and before any of you say anything at all, it's not illegal. My mom, his mom and dad, plus his 2 adult sisters, both my personal and school counselor, plus one of the main go to office staff, have not said it was illegal. But back to what I was saying, im 17 and my boyfriend is 15. My last friend completely cut me off and then I was completely alone in that class. Things got too much for me to handle and I ended up SH (a trusted adult is aware don't worry). I was told by one friend that they all thought I had began to isolate myself from them. So me being the person I am I start thinking maybe I did unintentionally and hadnt realized it. I asked another friend and their first reply was immediately rude and aggressive towards my relationship. My friend and I started fighting and I lashed out. The last one of my friends who stopped talking to me and stuff, came up to me and isolated me from the only friends I have left and started tearing me in the ass about me lashing out at the other friend. Then threatened to "do something" if she found out I lashed out at anyone else. Immediately following that I switched classes. Then ended up bawling my eyes out for the last 2 hours of school. I'm a very.... emotional person. Anyway, since then the one friend I lashed out at started telling people I know about how I only want to be in a relationship for Certain things.... Which is not at all true, and they said this all in front of my boyfriend as well. So there's that bit about my school life, now on to my at home personal life. We had a dog recently get parvo, it's a life threatening disease that can kill only dogs, but people and other animals can carry it on them. The with family things, first, my dad moved to Mississippi for some girl he met over TIKTOK. You heard me right, FUCKING TIKTOK. and I didn't find out he was leaving till like the day before. I'm not to sure what else to put here for an update, so moving on to the other things I'd like to mention!

Your support and love!

Your support and love makes me smile every time. If you think I don't read any, if not all of your comments, you are VERY mistaken. Each night or sometimes throughout my day I'll check Wattpad and check my notifications. I will go through each and every single one of your comments. I'll laugh, I'll agree, and I'll like them sometimes. But don't think just cause I haven't liked your comment doesn't mean I didn't like it, I love each and every comment you all leave. It has made me have little things to be happy about with what's been going on in my life. And I'm so fucking glad for your support and love!


But now onto stories and stuff! Lately social media hasn't really been interesting to me sometimes, so I've been pretty bored here and there. So I've been thinking.... And I thought about it.... In the spare time I have, I could write more stories. They don't have to be full length books like this one, they can be oneshots or images. Im still really into Spider-verse, I've been into "The outsiders"(it's a good movie and book I recommend!), I've been into CoD(I'm down bad it's not funny ;-;), and I'm into many more fandoms. If you want a one piece themed thing then go right ahead and ask. If you don't feel comfortable asking or requestsing with comments then my PMS are always open. If you want a specific thing, like character x reader/character then be specific and they'll me the fandom in which the character(s) are from. I may not know what fandom it is or anything about it so I apologize if I can't fulfill your request.

Well, if you read ALL of that then thank you, if you didn't, no problem! Have a lovely day and see you.... Next time!

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