~Chapter 5~

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~3rd Person Pov~

Everyone was doing their own thing in their hotel room, Nami got an idea. Nami told everyone to get ready to go out, she planned to go to a tavern to take dinner duty off of Sanji. Once everyone finished getting ready they all met outside, Nami grinned and told them to follow her. Everyone did so and they were led to a tavern "I figured we could go out to eat tonight" Nami said and she grinned happily. Luffy was jumping up and down in excitement as usopp and chopper tried to stop him from causing a scene. "You're the best Nami!" Luffy said as he hugged her, Nami smiled, "Well let's go in shall we?" Nami gestured to the door. Everyone went in and waited for a worker to come up to them, which wasn't too long. "Right this way" said a worker with some menus in their hand. Everyone followed the worker to a semi large table, everyone sat down. "We sell non- alcoholic drinks and alcoholic drinks and we close at 1:30am" the worker said as they left the menus and walked off to (Probably) more tables. Luffy and Chopper were sharing the kids menu, "I want the fish and chips!" Luffy looked at Nami and Chopper chimed in, "Me too!".

~Time Skip!

Once everyone's food came out everyone started eating. Sanji, Zoro, Robin, and Jinbe ordered drinks (Obviously alcoholic ones). As everyone was eating, the drinks came out. About 20 minutes later Sanji had drunk nearly half of his drink and was already pretty drunk. But Zoro found it odd because he also had the same drink and drank about the same amount as Sanji had, and both of them don't get drunk that fast. Zoro noticed the same worker kept staring at Sanji, that's when Sanji started to slump onto Ussops shoulder, "Hey guys I think Sanji's falling asleep?" Ussop said as he looked at Sanji. Everyone looked at Sanji as Sanji was coming in and out of consciousness, then the worker came over and asked if everything was okay. That's when it hit Zoro, something was wrong. Zoro immediately grabbed Sanji's drink and swirled it around, his face dropped. There looked like something was dissolving, it was nearly dissolved completely. Zoro immediately set it back down, "Chopper someone put something in Sanji's drink" Zoro stood up and looked the worker dead in the eyes, "And I think I know who did it". Everyone looked at Zoro, Chopper took Sanji's drink and smelt it. Chopper nearly dropped the glass cup, Robin stood up and that made everyone else at the tavern look over. The rest of the crew stood up, Brooke and Jinbe held Sanji up so he didn't fall over. "What did you do to him!" Zoro yelled, Which made some people jump from their seats a bit. Some of the Strawhats were also shocked with how Zoro reacted, none of them had seen Zoro care for him this way before. Zoro grabbed the worker by the collar of their shirt, the worker only laughed, "Like id tell you!' They yelled back at Zoro. Chopper put the drink in a little vial he had in his bag, "We need to get Sanji back to the inn! He needs medical attention!". Zoro was beyond pissed, 'They're gonna pay' Zoro thought as he raised his fist.

~Word Count is 565~

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