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Okie so, I won't be making any more chapters till im on summer break. I apologize for doing this, but I'm really stressed with school and other things. I started making chapter 14, but I haven't been able to write any for like a month now. I get out of school I think June 15th. I will continue to write it then, but after Sanji runs into his family I may end the book and start writing the One Piece x who ever book. It will have Character x Character and Character x reader. I don't have a name for the book since it'll be both an x reader and x character, so if someone could give me a name for it, that would be helpful. I'm really sorry about the delay, but I figured it'd be better to wait for school to be over. Although I myself think my book is horrible, you all seem to enjoy it. And that's what matters to me. So again, I apologize for not making any more chapters or updates until I'm on Summer break. But I hope you understand.

Thank you :)

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