~Chapter 8~

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~Sanji's Pov~

I watched Chopper leave to go get his medical stuff, "I'm still really confused" I said and looked back at my food. I remembered Zoro had gotten it for me. I started to smile, "What are you smiling about?" Zoro asked me. My face went instantly red, 'I forgot he was watching me'. I shook my head, "Nothing Zoro". Chopper came back and hopped up in the chair next to me, "Please lean toward me Sanji" Chopper said as he pulled out a thermometer. I leaned forward as asked and opened my mouth, Chopper stuck it in my mouth. He then started rummaging through his medical bag, he pulled out a stethoscope and turned back to me, "Lean down please" He asked as he put the stethoscope in his ear and held up the stethoscope. I leaned forward and he started to check my heart beat. After a few minutes Chopper finished checking me, "You're good now, probably just weak" Chopper said. I nodded and looked at Zoro, "Now tell me what happened last night" Zoro sighed and looked me dead in the eyes, "Well...."

~Time skip so Zoro doesn't have to actually speak~

I was so confused and shocked, I looked at my hands and then back up at the crew. "What happened to the people who tried to drug me?.." I asked, I could only assume they were dead. "Well when we found out Me, Robin, Luffy and Zoro stayed back to beat everyone up while the rest of the crew took you back here so Chopper could do medical work on you to make sure you wouldn't die. Robin, Luffy and I beat up the group of goons, but Zoro dealt with the worker who served you your drink." Nami said, and I could tell she felt bad. Zoro looked at the floor, 'Wait' I thought, 'Zoro dealt with the worker?'. Zoro got up abruptly and walked to his room. I looked at Nami and asked, "What do you mean by 'Zoro Dealt with the worker'? Didn't you guys help him?" Nami shuddered as I assume she remembered the worker and Zoro's fight. "Zoro said to let him take care of it, and we didn't stop him. Once we finished with the goons we went to find Zoro, But..." Nami stopped and looked at me, "But what?" I asked with curiosity. Nami looked me dead in the eyes, "When we found him... he looked so angry and pissed. I don't think I, or any of us have seen him ever look that angry" Nami looked over at Robin, "It seemed like Zoro was... toying with the worker. He is easily capable of taking someone like that out, but he didn't. I'd say it took us about and hour or so to finish off the goons, he normally would have been done with that guy, but... he wasn't". Robin looked at me, "If I'm being honest, I'm quite surprised. I've been a part of this crew for a long time, and that was the first time I have ever seen him so angry like that". After they said that I started to space off trying to think of why Zoro would do that, and for me of all people! I was brought back to reality by Nami waving a hand in front of my face, "Earth to Sanji!" I looked back at her, "Sorry Nami I must have spaced off". Nami sighed and then started talking again, "Like I was saying before" I rubbed the back of my head, "Could everyone but Robin leave the room please?" Nami asked. The rest of the crew left except Robin, 'What are they gonna say that they had to talk with me alone?' "Sanji, is there anything you wanna tell us? And just us? No one else will hear it but me and Robin" I was confused, "What do you mean? I wouldn't keep anything from the two of you?" As I was thinking of what Nami meant, Robin cleared her throat and looked me dead in the eyes, "Sanji.."

"Do you have feelings for Zoro?"

~Word Count 687~

AN: Sorry for such a long wait i didn't know what to really write, hopefully chapter 9 is better

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