~Chapter 12~

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~3rd person Pov~

After a few minutes, Zoro managed to calm Sanji down, "C-could I... have one more kiss before we leave your room?" He asked and looked Zoro in the eyes. Zoro nodded and put his hands on Sanji's hip, pulling him onto Zoro's lap. They kissed again and got up, Sanji looking down. "Will you talk to them about us?..." He said, scared to talk. Zoro kissed his forehead, "Yeah." With that, they left Zoro's room and headed out, being careful of where the crew could be. They figured in the kitchen waiting for breakfast. When they both got to the door, Zoro turned around and quickly kissed Sanji's cheek, "I promise I'll go anywhere with you, okie?" Sanji nodded, and with that, they walked in, Sanji behind Zoro too scared to look his crew in the face. Everyone looked over at Zoro, "Good morning, guys." he moved his arm behind him to hold Sanji's hand. He could feel Sanji clench the back of his clothes. Sanji relaxed a little, but not much. "I have a question." Zoro started talking, but Nami cut him off, "Who went into your room? All of us" she said bluntly, causing Sanji to tense up and grip tighter at the back of Zoro's clothes again. He started to shake and gripped at Zoro's hand for comfort. Zoro rubbed Sanji's hand with his thumb before speaking, "If you kick him out of the crew I'm leaving too" he said as everyone's faces turned into shock. Sanji's face also turned into shock and surprise. He didn't actually think Zoro would say that. But he soon smiled, luffy broke out into laughter, "W-why would we kick h-him off? BAHAHAHAHA" he started rolling on the floor, "We don't care who Sanji likes and what gender either" Franky spoke up, which made Sanji look over Zoro's shoulder, "Y-you don't?" He spoke quietly but loud enough the crew could hear. The crew jumped in surprise, and none of them realized that Sanji was behind Zoro. Brooke and Jinbe nodded while Ussop put his thumbs up, saying, "Nope!" Sanji stepped next to Zoro, their hands still together. Chopper walked up to them and looked up, "But why were you in Zoro's room?" he asked in pure innocence. Sanji's face turned red and he buried his face into Zoro's chest, the crew face became shocked again and Zoro just chuckled rubbing Sanji's back, "Well chopper" Zoro started talking, "Sanji was too tired to go to his room after bringing me dinner so he stayed with me" "But you didn't even touch your guyses food?" Robin chimed in, "W-well I wasn't hungry, and Sanji didn't feel like eating" Everyone else, but Chopper looked at him with an 'oh really now?' Face and Zoro rubbed the back of his neck. Chopper smiled, "Oh okie!" He walked back to his seat and sat down. "Well i started making breakfast. If you two wanna wait?" Zoro nodded and walked over to the table and sat down, Sanji followed and sat down. Sanji leaned his head on Zoro's shoulder and hugged his arm, "Thank you Zoro" he whispered to Zoro only loud enough that Zoro could hear. He smiled and kissed Sanji's head as an 'Your welcome'. Luffy looked at them, "So are you two a thing now?" Zoro nodded as everyone looked over, "Yeah we are". The girls giggle and smile. "Hey Nami, do you know when the next island is gonna come up?" Luffy asked her, "We should be coming up on the next one soon, at most 2 days I'd think" she answered. Everyone nodded and waited for breakfast to be done. After it was done and everyone ate, everyone went to do their own thing. Zoro and Sanji stayed with each other, meaning right now Sanji was watching Zoro do his workout. Zoro didn't really mind. He actually liked Sanji watching him. It made him feel good about himself. Sanji continued to watch Zoro do his workout, watching every muscle tense up as Zoro lifted weights. He watched the sweat drip from his head onto his shirt. He looked at Zoro's hands as they gripped the weights handles. Sanji started to get lost in thought, looking at Zoro's body as he started to feel hot all over. Zoro walked over and pulled Sanji, who had been laying down, up into his arms and picked him up. Sanji felt butterflies in his stomach. He felt loved and happy. Zoro kissed Sanji as Sanji wrapped his arms around Zoro's neck, pulling them closer. Sanji wrapped his legs around Zoro's waist, and Zoro gripped the underside of one of Sanji's thighs as the other held on Sanji's back. They started to make out and get more handsy with one another. Zoro pushed Sanji gently against one of the walls and started to kiss down to his neck, moving from his lips to his cheek, then his jawline, and finally, his neck. Sanji tilted his head the other way to give Zoro more room. Sanji tried to talk in between gasps and quiet moans, "Z-Zoro wait.... We should go to your room..." He bit his lip as Zoro bit slightly on Sanji's neck, leaving a small purple bruise. Zoro kissed his cheek and chuckled, "Scared to get caught, Shitty Cook?~" he whispered into Sanji's ear. Sanji shuddered at his words, burying his face into Zoro's neck, "Y-yes..." Zoro smiled and walked over to the little door to leave. Zoro didn't put Sanji down once the entire way to his room.

Evening if some of the crew saw them.

~Word count 932~

Ahhhhh, I hope you like smut, cause that's all the next chapter will be! >:) MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA, but please if you liked this, let me know!

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