I now have a child (I guess?)

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"Tommy Where the fuck have you been! Your com got cut out and you took so long to get here!" As I jumped through the window into the apartment I heard the angry scolding from Tubbo.

"Tubbo, don't yell, you'll scare my daughter!" I lifted Clementine from my shoulders and showed her to Tubbo and the Nervous Ranboo in the corner.

"Tommy? W-What!" Tubbo gave a sigh and rubbed his eyes before looking up again. "Tommy, that is not a child. That it a racoon"

I gave an exaggerated gasp and covered clementine ears "DOnt say such a thing! You'll hurt her feelings!" I ignored the indignant chitters from Clementine and the snicker that Tubbo gave at my voice crack, and went to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Tommy, me and Boo are taking the bed tonight. You're getting the couch since you arrived home late and brought home a raccoon." Tubbo turned around drowsily dragging Ranboo by his sleeve into the bedroom. Ranboo gave a little wave before he disappeared behind Tubbo.

"Stupid Ranboob" Mumbling under my breath I opened the cabinet. Pulling out some crackers I put them in a bowl and opened my phone.

With the money from Tubbo and Ranboo's work we saved up money to get a phone for me and Tubbo. Currently we are trying to get money for Ranboo while still paying rent.

"Um, excuse me sir. Can I have some of those crackers?" I heard a tiny voice from the counter where I left clementine. Turning around I saw a small girl dressed in rags with messy and dirty light brown hair. She had dark brown eyes that were almost black peeking out from her messy bangs. On top of her head were racoon earth that were twitching as she waited for a response. The motion of the swish of her little tail caught my attention as she stared at me.

"You were a racoon hybrid?" I looked at her for a few moments. I knew some Racoon hybrids could turn into a full racoon but that was rare.

The little girl who I know realized was about six years old gave me a tiny nod before looking back at the bowl of crackers in my hands.

"Sure, here" I knew that we were tight on money but she looked starving. By the looks of her she hasn't eaten in days. We had not eaten much either but we were older so it was ok.

She took the crackers gratefully and started to eat them. "You're my child now. You don't already have a name right?" I knew I had named her Clementine but if she already had a name that would be a bit awkward.

"Not lifting her head from the food she gave a small "Nof" after the other part of my sentence was processed in her brain she froze and slowly looked up at me.

"Wah? You, my dad?" She looked as if she had just been asked if she wanted the world's largest plushie. Her eyes lit up and a big smile grew on her face. "Do you mean it!? No take backsies!" She had finished the crackers and she jumped into my arms.

"Yay! I have a papa again!" She smiled happily before drifting to sleep. She shifted back into a racoon and a I could hear faint snores from her

Tommy lore recap I guess. I got chased by Flame and 404. Fell into a dumpster, adopted a raccoon and named her Clementine. She turned out to be a racoon hybrid and I officially asked her, she agreed so now I'm a parent and Tubbo and Ranboo still don't know. Oh Shit, I also have an Interview at the hero tower tomorrow. How fun!

Tucking my wings behind me I layed down on the couch with racoon Clementine on my chest. My wings were still in bandages that prevented me from playing for now so I almost fell off a roof twice today. Closing my eyes I ran information around.

My name is Tommy Careful Danger Kraken Innit. I'm 16 years old. I am an Avian Hybrid and my power is telekinesis, sort of. When I lift things, it is wrapped in a red sort of light. I can make that stuff invisible but only when I'm lifting small objects or myself. In my legal documents my power is lifting small objects and myself, not red light. It also says I'm human and that I'm 19. My name on my legal (And forged) documents says that my name Is Tom Simons.

When I do my Vigilante work I make the red stuff visible so it won't be related to my civilian Identity. Smart I know. I am the most smartest person alive.

Ranboo is an enderman hybrid. He can teleport. His vigilante name is Ender. He works at Sam's café with Tubbo.

Tubbo is a Ram hybrid with explosion powers. He has an unhealthy obsession with bees and he loves to fiddle with technology. Most of our gear was made by him. He made us matching necklaces with different charms on them. Inside, concealed are our Vigilante costumes and if we tap them with a certain pattern our vigilante outfit will get switched with our civilian clothes. It's very useful for hiding our identity. His vigilante named it Sting because he likes bees.

That's pretty much it. Oh yeah. Before I met Tubbo, Ranboo and moved to The Dream essempey I lived in Earth essempey. I was part of and the leader of the vigilante group Business Bay. Back then I didn't have my telekinesis powers and I went by the name Icarus.

I haven't seen the boys in a while. I hope they are doing ok. They're probably mad that I left them. With those last happy thoughts I drifted to sleep.

I was rudely awakened by my alarm telling me it was time for me to get ready for my interview. I don't wanna go.

"Clementine, wake up. I have to go to a job interview." The racoon on my chest gave a tiny yawn before climbing off of me and into the kitchen. Once she was off I scoured around putting on clothes and hiding my winds. They were sore but they no longer needed the bandages.

Compressing my wings to my back I pulled on my red and white t-shirt and some brown cargo pants.

I darted out the door after I bid farewell to my daughter and left a note for my roommates because what am I, the dad that left from one of my old foster homes! No!

The great Tommy Innit Is not going to be late to a job interview. Nonetheless one at the hero tower! He will not accept it!

Darting past pedestrians and jumping over trash bins or small children, Tommy was running to a tower that was almost in front of him. Turning the corner he slowed to a stop in front of two sliding glass doors.

Not turning back now.

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