My Dear Son Shroud

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Getting up from the couch I got ready. Wilbur was sitting in the living room and I made Deo promise to look after clementine while I was away. Clementine was still really sad but she was curled into Deo's side, she fell asleep in the middle of the movie.

Her arms were holding onto Deo's jacket. Faint little snores leaving her mouth. Smiling warmly at her I walked out the door, following Wilbur as he led me to his car.

We drove in comfortable silence. Looking out the window at the buildings and people getting ready for work I zoned out. Nightmare and XD were definitely looking for me. Phoenix is what they used to call me when I lived with them.

Snapping out of my thoughts as Wilbur put on some music I paid more attention to the buildings around us. We were almost there. The houses were part of a poorer district compared to some of the upper parts, but more rich and well off compared to where I'm from.

Telling Wilbur where to go, we eventually made it to Shrouds house. Me and Wilbur were wearing more fancy clothes to give off a better impression on Shrouds lame excuse of parents. I had asked Big Q to do some research on Shrouds parents before we came here as to give us more advantages and possibilities of taking him home.

Worst comes to worst, well just take shroud and Big Q will pay them off or get rid of them. This world has no use for scum like them anyways, well just be doing a favor.

Once we arrived at the apartment complex we climbed up the stairs to the floor they were on.

We were outside and we already heard the loud voices of the parents fighting.

"Do you want to knock or should I?' Wilbur asked uncertainty. When I didn't answer he stepped forwards and knocked on the door. The shouting from inside paused, then there were footsteps that came to the door. As the door opened someone was speaking.

"Look, how many times do we have to tell you, Marian, mind your own business. Now stop bugging us." The lady at the door paused as she realized we were not in fact Marian.

"You're not Marian?" She scowled. "Who the fuck are you two?" She asked, leaning against the door.

"We're here for custody of your son." I said calmly. She frowned.

"My son? I don't have a son?" She paused for a moment. "Oh! You mean that thing! Sure you can have it, I don't care. Come in." She waved for us to follow before shouting into the apartment.

"BRAT GET YOUR THINGS YOUR LEAVING!" I scowled at the harsh tone. The husband was lazily sitting on the couch with a beer in hand.

"STOP SHOUTING BITCH!" He yelled, not looking away from the TV. She scowled before slapping him over the head.

"Oh shut up!" Me and Wilbur looked at each other uncertainly before I walked over to where I knew Shrouds room was. Shroud was in his room running around picking up anything he needed. I watched from the doorway as he hurriedly wrote down on paper and left it on the window sill. My heart warmed as I realized he was leaving a note for me.

"Hey bud. There's no need for that." I reassured him, smiling. He wiped around a shocked look on his face. When he saw me his eyes lit up and a big smile spread along his face. He ran towards me and hugged.

"Hi. It's nice to see you too!" I laughed as I lifted him up. Wilbur came into the room.

"Toms, I think we should go soon. Their argument is starting to get heated again." He grimaced, looking outside the room to where we could hear the yelling and shouting.

"Yeah, probably." Nodding me and Wilbur helped Shroud grab his stuff. Once we had loaded everything into the car Shroud climbed into the back. I stood outside the apartment complex, looking up. A hand came to my shoulder before I could start zoning out.

Sorry I only spea- "Tommy Shut The Fuck Up!"Where stories live. Discover now