Steps to be a parental figure

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The next few weeks it was just, go to work, record for videos, edit videos, post videos, check twitter, go home.

Sure the order that I did it in was never consistent. I wouldn't post everyday and I usually checked twitter multiple times a day.

The videos would have to be paused at least once a day as one of the would be called out for there job or to patrol.

After work I would go home and get ready for patrol. Recently I have been patrolling with Purpled more. On weekends I would still work at the Caffe, Wilbur would still visit whenever I worked. It was nice.

So of course it had to be interrupted.

On Tuesday, a month after I had been working at the tower all three of the Dream team got called to help with after effects of a villain attack at a school. They brought me along, I don't know why. I think they said something about addressing news people and stuff.

When we arrived there were news reporters who were crowding around caution tape as police blocked them from going any further.

I followed Dream, 404 and Flame as they walked past the caution tape. The three of them ignored the shouts and questions from reporters and bystanders.

"Excuse me, but you can't cross here." One of the police officers stopped me as I tried to pass. Dream turned around and looked at him.

"He's with us." He turned around and continued to walk to some other heroes.

The police officer apologized to me and let me through. Normally I would feel smug, but considering the situation I couldn't stomach feeling triumphant.

I walked to where the heroes were. They were debriefing as there were several students huddled together all around. Some were by the ambulance while others were sitting with blankets wrapped around them. Multiple were crying, some were zoning out.

Some heroes would approach them to try and calm them down, talk or ask questions. Most of the time they wouldn't respond, sometimes they would yell at them. Only a few would actually answer the questions and maintain a conversation with them.

"-illain attacked. Three vigilantes showed up and were the ones to hold them back till we could arrive. One tried to clear a path and keep the villains distracted while the other two got the kids out." The hero Captain was speaking to the others. "When we arrived they focused on getting people out, they left the villains for us to deal with. I think the three vigilantes were called Purpled, Atlas and Thanatos."

"The last two names are new. I haven't heard of them before." Dream said.

"Yeah, I only know because that's what they called each other" Captain confirmed what he said.

Two new Vigilantes? I might have to ask Purpled about it later.

Dream nodded before walking to a group of kids. I followed behind him. 404 and Flame were somewhere else dealing with other kids.

"Hey kid. You're safe now. Do you think you could answer some of my questions?" Dream spoke to a group of three kids. To my horror I recognized two of them. It was Michael and Shroud. There was another kid with him. A young duck hybrid with dirty blond hair.

Michael glared daggers at the green hero. "Fuck you! You didn't do anything. It was the vigilantes who actually helped while you heroes stood around waiting as people died!" He then spit in the hero's face. I tensed as I saw his saliva slowly sliding down Dreams porcelain mask.

Michael immediately tensed, fear in his eyes. He was afraid that the hero would do something. Shroud wrapped his multiple arms around his friend and hissed while the duck hybrid fluffed his wings.

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