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Pronunciation: 'dUst-shA-a-wung (DOOST-shay-ah-wung)

Origin: Old English

Definition: Literally "contemplation of the dust"; Reflection on former civilizations and people, and on the knowledge that all things will turn to dust


If you asked me if I was nervous, I would say no. But in truth, I'm really fucking nervous. If this doesn't go right everything can come crashing down upon us.

Taking a deep breath I looked over to Siren next to me. He looked over at me and smiled.

"It's all going to be ok Tommy. We've got this!" The sound of my brother's voice through a distorting voice modulator was a bit unsettling but I was used to it. Nodding, I looked forward and took a step.

In front of us is what looks like a big run down museum. Abandoned years ago and left to rot, forgotten. There were multiple teams deployed all over the city to take out different locations under XD and Nightmares command.

The group I was in consisted of Phil, Techno, Wilbur, Tubbo, Ranboo and Me. We were sent here where it was rumored Nightmare and XD were.

"Tommy. Promise me, Under no circumstances are you going to fight XD or Nightmare head on, ok?" Phil asked, Techno and Will nodding in agreement. I scoffed.

"If I have to, I will." I stated simply, not looking at them. Phil sighed in defeat.

"Please, Just be careful Tommy. I wouldn't want to lose my youngest." He said. I froze.

"Youngest? You make it sound like I'm your son!" I say laughing, the longing for that statement to be true tugging in my gut.

"Did Wilbur and Techno not tell you? I'm adopting you." He said so certainly, not leaving any room for question. I paused for a moment, just looking at him like he didn't just shatter my whole world. Wilbur and Techno were currently talking to Tubbo and Ranboo a bit away, unable to hear the conversation. Sighing I laughed.

"Took you long enough old man. I was wondering If I would have to hand the adoption papers to you myself!" Phil joined in the laughter, ruffling my hair.

"Theseus! Zephyrus! Hurry up!" Techno called to us. We both smiled before heading over.

"Everyone ready?" I asked. Everyone nodded. Nodding back We headed inside.


The place was huge! There were spots where paintings and statues used to be, now empty since it was cleared out a long time ago.

The sound of our footsteps echoed around the halls. We had barely encountered anyone, just a few minor villains who took to working for the two.

"It's oddly quiet, don't you think?" Ranboo asked, sounding uncertain. Me and Tubbo nodded in agreement while Techno, Will and Phil stayed focused and silent.

We continued to explore the building. Each minor villain we ran into made the unsettled feeling in my gut worse. This place was huge but we should have found them by now. It was too quiet and un-secured to be their main base. We would occasionally find villains or guards who were already knocked out. By the fourth group of already passed out villains we encountered Wilbur spoke up.

"I know I should probably be grateful that we don't have to deal with more villains, but it is getting a bit concerning the amount of already beaten villains we find. Plus, this place just doesn't seem that guarded." He stopped walking and turned to face us. "Techno, are you sure this is the right place?" Techno huffed.

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