I no longer like thunder

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"To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you here Theseus?" I turned around to be greeted by a familiar white porcelain smile face mask.

Dream was standing a few feet away from me. He was wearing his hero uniform. The neon green cape on his shoulder. The white shirt underneath the black bulletproof vest. The black cargo pants that were full of equipment that he would use to try to catch me.

Dread pooled in my stomach as I looked at the #1 hero. The porcelain mask haunts my dreams, running from the smiley face that watches my every move. Suppressing a shiver I spoke up.

"Hello Dream. How are you doing?" I tried to play it off cool and distract him and escape. I need to escape, I can't be caught.

"Nothing much, just about to arrest you and give my team a pay raise." He said nonchalantly, shrugging and waving his hand around. Don't underestimate me dickhead!

"Good for you, But I'm afraid that I won't be getting arrested today, or ever." With that I walked backwards, with a roll of my shoulders, spread my wings and jumped off the roof, flying away. I felt the feathers in my wings moving with the wind, the flapping of my wings to keep me in the air. Swerving in and out of buildings to move as far away as fast as I could.

Looking down I saw Dream was keeping up with me on the rooftops. He jumped from roof to roof, vaulting over pipes and any obstacles that came in his path. Dream's hands glowed green and he made a tugging motion. A lamp post bent and hit me in the gut. The air was knocked out of my lunges as I started to fall down.

Falling down into the street below I groaned as I landed on a car's windshield. Clutching my chest, coughing I rolled off the car which was now blinking, alarm blaring. I continued to cough as I got air back into my lungs.

I struggled to get up. But once I did I continued to run away from the hero. Ignoring the burning of my legs I ran forwards. Using my power I launched things at Dream as he chased me. He dodged each thing I threw at him, sometimes using his power to move it out of the way.

He used his powers on some throwing knives and launched them at me. Most of them missed but one grazed my cheek and another lodged itself into my leg.

There was a searing pain that spread along my leg. My cheek stung but it was nothing compared to the throbbing pain of my leg.

Letting out a yell of pain. I stumbled forwards. Dream caught up to me again. He loomed over me.

"Give up Theseus. You aren't going anywhere like this." Dream said.

"Don't mock me bitch. I can still beat your ass!" This is Dream, the hero who has been trying to catch me for years. Being ruthless to catch me. Not hesitating to hurt me to do so.

But it's also the same Dream who laughs with me as we play video games. It's the same Dream who gets into petty arguments with George and Sapnap over simple things.

Reaching to my belt I unhooked my staff. Pressing the button the cold metal sprung out. Crouching down I prepared for him to strike. I don't want to hurt him, but I have no choice.

He used his powers and he was now holding a glowing green sword. The sword's hilt wrapped around his hand and wrist, slightly translucent. He lunged forwards, I blocked the blow with my staff.

Me and Dream had made it to the cliff side and out of the more inhabited area. A news helicopter had caught up to us a few minutes ago when I had fallen out of the sky onto the car. It was now circling above us. Recording our dance as we attacked and parried each other.

The sky was gray and cloudy, but there was no rain. The air around seemed to get colder, even a bit static. All at once the wind died down. It seems that the entire cliffside was holding its breath as Dream caught up to me.

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