Purpled (Just Purpled)

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"YOU DID WHAT!?" Tubbo yelled at me when I told him the news.

"I applied for a position at the hero tower, and I passed. I'm going to start work next week." I gave a weak smile.

Clementine had scampered behind me when the yelling started. She was now hiding behind my leg.

"Did you not consider that you could get caught! That you would get arrested!" Tubbo was furious.

"Look, Bossman. It had a decent pay. It pays more than you and Ranboo get at the café." I tried to explain to him.

"Tubbo, Maybe this might work out. Trust Tommy." Ranboo tried to calm down the angry Tubbo.

Tubbo gave an annoyed huff but didn't yell anymore.

"Thanks Ranboo." I mumbled thanks to Ranboo.

"No problem Tommy." He gave me a reassuring smile. "You should probably get some rest. You're going to need to explain this to Nook at the café tomorrow." Oh yeah. I'm going to have to tell my boss.

I'm still going to work there, but only on weekends. I'll still work for the rest of the week but once the weeks are over I'll only be there on Saturday and Sunday. I hope he takes the news better than my roommates.

With that in mind I went back onto the couch to sleep. Tubbo and Ranboo took the bed again. Tubbo saying something along the lines of 'You are being stupid, no bed for you'. I wasn't complaining. I get to clear my thoughts better when I don't have to worry about waking one of them up.

Clementine was sitting at the edge of the couch, staring at me. She was still in her racoon form. She gave me a small chitter.

Stupid avian instincts. She may not be an avian but my little bird brain goes 'Chick! Must protect! My child' And I believe them. It is not a bad thing, but it gets a bit annoying.

I let out a sigh before getting back up.

"Come on Clementine, I'll get you something to eat." Clementine gave a happy chirp before scampering into the kitchen.

By the time I entered Clementine was already in her human form. She sat on the counter swinging her legs back and forth, her little tail swishing from side to side and her little ears twitching.

I rummaged through the fridge before pulling out some leftovers. I handed it to her. She started to eat immediately.

"Clementine, do you think you'll be ok staying here for a bit. I'm going to do some vigilante stuff." I looked at her. She looked up from her food, thinking.

"Hmmm... Sure!" She gave a little chirp before continuing eating. Patting her head, I tapped my necklace.

Once I entered the code the tech started to spread along my body. When it finished I was in my vigilante gear. It was made out of some Nano-tech stuff. It looked fucking professional

I had a dark red hoodie thing with a white outline. Underneath it was a black bodysuit. It had red pixels that faded from black to red towards the hands and legs. I had a black mask with pointed owl-like ears at the top, with red and gold accents. My shoes looked like sneakers, they were red and the bottom of them were gold. There were gold lines around them. When I wanted to I would jump and the shoes would boost me several feet in the air. If I tapped the side of my mask three times it would turn into a masquerade mask so I could eat, drink and stuff like that. My voice modulator would still work. The masquerade mask was all red with gold outlines. I had black fingerless gloves over my body suit because it looks poggers.

I have a black utility belt around my black shorts. On my utility belt is my collapsible metal staff 'punisher of men'. I have multiple daggers, bombs, hard drives and band-aids. In one of my pouches I had two brass knuckles. They were very similar to the ones at the hero tower.

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