Who is winning the custody battle? I cant tell

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Waking up the following morning I stretched before getting ready for the day. Today I have work at the café so maybe I'll be able to see Wilbur again.

Clementine and Shroud were sitting at the kitchen island eating breakfast and having an adamant debate on why Crows are the superior bird. I smiled before ruffling both their heads.

"Clem, Shroud. I have to head for work now. Behave and don't burn the house while I'm gone." I said.

"We won't!" Clementine smiled as she responded.

"Is that a challenge dad?" Shroud gave a shit eating grin.

"You really are my son aren't you." I laughed as Shroud laughed maniacally.

"Shroud, you are hanging too much with Wilbur, He's teaching you too much about arson." Shroud pouted before finally agreeing not to destroy the house.

"Ok. I'm heading out now! See you later!" Walking out the front door I started walking to work. It would take longer than it would before, but I don't like trains so I'm fine with it.

The walk was relatively peaceful, The streets were bustling with people like usual. I could still feel the feeling of dread in the back of my mind. There was a slight breeze and birds chirped and flew around making my wings itch to go and fly.

As I continued to walk there was a slight thin of the crowd walking around. As I got closer to central park I heard several voices. My curiosity got the better of me as I walked towards the voices to see what was going on.

When I arrived I saw a big crowd of people. Most were kids but there were some adults there. They seemed to be students and teachers, which is weird because I know today there was supposed to be school, even though it was the weekend there was still class today.

"HELP SAVE OUR SCHOOL!" One kid yelled.

"I WANT TO GRADUATE! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" More voices yelled, the different messages jumbling together.



Once I heard the voices yelling I realized that it was a protest, a school strike of some sorts. They were protesting that Heroes don't actually help and because of them waiting around people die. They are trying to get the hero and Vigilante laws changed so that Vigilantes are legal and Heroes can do more and don't have to wait for orders.

Sneaking away from the sights of people I went into an alleyway and tapped on my necklace to transform. In a split second I was standing there in my Theseus gear.

"They should get some nice support from a Vigilante. It might help with their cause." I muttered to myself before Spreading my wings and launching myself into the sky.

Soaring over the multiple heads of the protesters I landed in front of the group.

"Hi! A little birdy told me that there was a protest here that could use some attention from a Vigilante. Do you want some help?" I asked. People were pointing and whispering about me.

"Yeah. That would be appreciated. Thank you Theseus." One of the kids said before handing me a sign. I smiled under my mask before joining them in their cause. Once I joined, people started to pay more attention to the group, even taking pictures and videos.

After a while of protesting I saw Flame and Kitsune jumping from rooftops towards us. Some people saw them and were muttering to each other nervously. Once they arrived they stopped in front of me.

"Ayup. Mighty fine day today?" I said nervously.

"Yeah." Fundy nodded.

"Can we join?" Sapnap asked. Me and the other protesters stood there shocked for a moment before someone handed the two of them signs.

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