Therapy is needed

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"He's waking up!" A voice said.

"Shut up! You're being too loud!" A different voice.

"This is giving me Deja vu."

"Well this time he isn't being held hostage and he's in the living room." The first voice.

"Shut up, I'm trying to sleep." Mumbling I rolled onto my side. A sharp pain spread through my body making me whine in complaint.

"Sorry little one. I know it hurts but we can't give you any potions till you wake up." One of the voices said.

I have no fucking Idea on what is going on right now, only that I am dizzy and in pain. Also my throat is dry.

"Where am I?" I asked the voices. Slowly I opened my eyes. I was in a familiar living room. Three people stood over me, all wearing concerned expressions.

"Ayup. How have you all been?" I asked sluggishly, attempting to sit up. I hissed in pain as my back stung.

"What the hell happened?" I asked them.

"Oh, uh." Wilbur looked a bit awkward.

"We had to rescue you." Phil attempted to say.

"You asked me and Techno to get the heroes out of there." Wilbur interrupted, looking anywhere but at me.

"You got into a fight with Nightmare and he cut off your wings." Techno said. Phil and Wilbur both glared at him as the world began to spin.

"What!? It's better to just rip off the band aid!" Techno shrugged.

"Yeah, but not like that! Look, now he's having a panic attack!" Wilbur cursed before sitting next to me.

"Hey Toms. Can you look at me?" His voice was quiet as he spoke. I turned to look at him, tears threatening to fall from my eyes. Slowly, I nodded.

"Good, that's good. Can I hold your hand?" He asked. Once again I nodded. Everything seemed far away and there was a loud ringing in my ears. Were my wings really gone? Finally taken away from me like the other two. Now I was officially flightless. Wilbur squeezed my hand as I began to sob.

"He took them from me! My wings!" Crying into Wilbur's shoulder he whispered words of comfort. Techno sat on my other side and Phil sat next to Wilbur, wrapping his winds around all of us.

"He took them. I can't fly! First my smaller wings, now my primary wings!" Sobbing into Wilbur I screamed.

"Smaller wings?" Wilbur asked. Phil sighed.

"He's an Elytran Wil." Phil looked sad.

"An Elytran? But he only had two wings...oh" Wilbur looked down at me. "What happened to the other two?" He asked. Phil shrugged.

"I don't know mate. He wouldn't tell me. But based on what he said, Nightmare or XD took them." Phil said.

"Why the hell would they do that?" Techno sounded pissed as he braided a part of my hair.

"I don't know." Phil looked helpless. Letting out a reassuring chirp I snuggled into the group hug and fell asleep again. Hopefully Deo is taking care of Shroud and Clementine.

The next time I woke up I could stand again. I was a bit off balance the first few steps but I got used to it.

"Thank you for letting me stay here. I have to go back home and check on my kids though. Plus I have work tomorrow." They nodded in understanding, seeming a bit hesitant to let me leave so soon.

Walking home I hunch my shoulders and walk fast. I don't want to draw any more attention than I probably have.

My vigilante gear was safely tucked in my necklace, I could probably ask one of the Business bay boys to help me fix it when I get back.

Sorry I only spea- "Tommy Shut The Fuck Up!"Where stories live. Discover now