The Interview (pt2)

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"Tom Simons!" Getting up from his spot, Tommy made his way to the back room.

Once again nerves wracked his mind. This could be as far as he goes in this interview.It could also be when he gets caught. The endless possibilities of a bad ending daunted him as he walked to the door.

'Stupid Elevator music, Stupid nerves! They get in my way!' Tommy closed the door behind him and immediately ducked as a ruber ball was yeeted at his head.

"What the FUCK! -Oh, that's part of the test isn't it?" Tommy looked at 404 who had a child-like grin on his face.

"Yep. I get to fuck with you and you try not to get hurt, hit or eliminated. After I will give you some scenarios and you will tell me the best course of action that you would take. Also you can use your power." 404 said the plan all while his shit eating grin never left his face.

Before I could answer another rubber ball was pelted towards me. Without even blinking I stopped it mid air. It hovered there for a bit before I launched it back at the hero.

"Do you expect me not to retaliate or will that take points away from me?" I looked at the hero. He looked mildly surprised.

"It won't take points away from you but you probably shouldn't or we would just be playing a game of catch."

"Pog, I would get to brag to my roommates that I played catch with the number three hero!" 404 gave another sigh

That part of the interview went smoothly. He pelted the rubber balls at me and I would catch them with my powers and occasionally send them back. It eventually got harder as different things launched at me for different parts of the room. The bigger things I would jump out of the way from or use other things to block them. Smaller things I would change their course or completely catch them. He would occasionally send multiple things my way at the same time. When that happened I could stop all of them or most of them. If I couldn't catch all of them, I could use what I did catch to deflect the rest or move out of the way.

"Ok! That's it. It is time for the next part. Tom please give me your response to the following scenarios" He paused his sentence before resuming. "Let's say you work at a cafe. One day that cafe gets robbed by armed robbers. Once they leave and your adrenalin crashes you find out that you were shot in the leg. What would you do?" He looked at me waiting patiently for my response.

Since this was supposed to be a split second decision making thing I answered immediately. "Put pressure on the wound. Check on how severe the wound is, if it has an exit point, how much blood i'm losing. Tie something over the spot of the wound as tight as I could to keep pressure on it. See if there are any immediate risks in the building I'm in or people around me. Call heroes for help with my phone or someone elses phone. Check on how many people are hurt around me. Don't move to not lose more blood or open the wound further."

Once I had responded I looked at 404 as he wrote down my response.

"Ok, how about this, Your trapped in a burning building"

He looked at me. "How many stories does this building have, what floor am I on? Where is the fire, and the closest exit wroute? Am I injured and if so how badly. Are there any other people around me?"I questioned the hero for more information on the matter.

"This building has three stories. The fire is on the third floor. You're on the third floor. You are not injured at the moment. There are not any people around you that you can see. You can't see any exits or escape routes at the moment, except windows in the room you're in." The hero responded as soon as I asked the questions. Good.

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