How I wish I had wings

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Waking up I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. Something felt off. Was it the uncomfortable itching underneath his skin? Maybe it was the lack of wings? Oh, It could also be the fact that he wasn't in his apartment.
Sitting up I looked around the room. Relaxing once I realized it was just my office in the hero tower. Letting out a relieved sigh I leaned back into my chair. Looking at the clock on my screen I groaned. I had slept through the rest of my shift and it was a few minutes before my next shift started. I slept the whole night here.
Cursing under my breath I stood up and stretched. My bones gave a satisfying pop as I stretched.
Even though I stretched my back, I still ached. The uncomfortable feeling didn't leave. It was like wearing clothes that were too tight. Hissing in frustration I walked out of the office. It was all worth it to see Dream choke on his breakfast, Sapnap shriek and fall out of his chair at the kitchen island and George drop his water cup. Dream sputtered in confusion while Sapnap sat up with wide shocked eyes.
"What the fuck are you doing here already!?" Sapnap demanded.
"I forgot to leave last night so I just slept here." I shrugged as if it was nothing. George made a worried noise as Dream stared at me with mild concern and shock.
  "Ok, that's it. You are getting today off. You haven't been feeling well recently, You fell asleep here and slept overnight in your office for Primes sake! Go home and take a nap!"  Dream scolded. ROlling my eyes I begrudgingly agreed.
The three of them looked satisfied with my answer and escorted me out of the tower. It seems that Sapnap messaged Purpled. He was waiting for us in the lobby when we arrived. He saw me flanked by three top heroes and snickered. Scowling at him I stopped.
"What are you doing Grayson?" I accused. He crossed his arms, still smiling.
  "Flame messaged the groupchat. Apparently I need to make sure you get home." Purpled explained. I looked at him suspiciously.
    "What group chat?" I asked. Purpled shrugged.
    "I'll show you when we're on our way." He said. The heroes left and Purpled walked me home. We started walking towards the shared apartment with the Business bay. Once we were far enough from the tower Purpled took out his phone and showed me a group chat.

Purpled: You're telling me he didn't get any sleep!?

Kitsune: Damn. That kid has issues

Flame: I know! That's what I'm saying!

Nevadas: I seriously need to just give him some melatonin. Petition to knock Tommy out to get him to sleep.

I stared at his phone before looking up at him. Realization dawned on me and I gave an indignant gasp.
  "You created a group chat with everyone who knows my identity!?" I scolded.
   "Note really. That's a different group chat. This one is for people who work at the tower... Well plus Nevadas. Flame insisted we add him." Purpled looked smug on the last bit.
    "Sure. If that's the case, why is the group chat titled 'The babysitters'?" Purpled snickered but didn't respond. We continued to walk home. Purpled dropped me off before going back to the tower.
As soon as I entered the threshold of the house the discomfort in my back spiked. Now it was really painful. Hissing in pain I stumbled. No one was in the house currently so no one heard my pained shuffling as I moved to my room.
Once I arrived in my room I collapsed to the floor. My back felt like it was on fire. Helpless chirps escaped my mouth as I curled up on the floor. Moving made the pain spike again and I let out a muffled scream.
Tears were dripping from my eyes as I layed on the floor, waiting for the pain to end. Letting out a strangled yelp as I felt something moving in my back clawed at the floor. I could taste blood and every fiber of my being felt like it was set ablaze.
When things didn't seem like they could get any worse, my back slit open. A gut wrenching scream left my mouth as blood started to pool around me. Helpless chirps were heard as I pleaded for help from a flock who wasn't here.
As I felt my back wre-stich itself together, my head spun from the loss of blood. Four new appendages that sprouted from my back twitched helplessly behind me as I the world spun. I should probably tell someone about this.
Reaching from my phone that fell next to me I opened it. With my blood soaked hands I typed into a group chat.

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