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•throne room•
Normal POV :
( not edited sorry)

It was the day of the great wed of Daemon Targaryen and Viserra Targaryen. The wed that the whole kingdom had been patiently awaiting.

There was around 500 lords and lady's awaiting the outside premises of the throne room. Viserys had agreed to the wed in the throne room if only the family are present to the actual ceremony but the other high borns shall be present for the feast and after celebrations.

So in the Thorne room sat the Targaryen family, cousins, aunts,uncles,siblings,parents and grandparents.

With Daemon stood just in front of the iron throne nervously awaiting his bride with a smirk across his face as he stared at his brother Viserys. Daemon new that by marrying his sister, that him and Visery's both love deeply. Meant that he had one.

The whole family stayed mostly silent apart from a few voices and children.
As they all watched as the great doors opened.

Revealing Viserra.

She was wearing the most beautiful gown in the Seven Kingdoms, many of the family's lady's were left with there mouths agape at the gorgeous gown and many of the family's men were amazed at her beauty despite having wife's of there own.

The gown itself was off a red colour with gold dragons roaring up the sleeves made from an embroidered pattern. It was long and flowing slightly behind her. Viserra looked like a true goddess in the extravagant gown.

Anyone could see the look of love in the couples gaze as there eyes met from across the hall.

Viserra was walked down the isle by Lord Corlys as he and Daemon were trusted Friends. As well as him and Viserra being rather close as his wife was one of her personal favourite people.

Viserra's POV :

Me and Daemon continued to stare at each other until i had finally made it to the throne. We're he held my hand and kissed my knuckles. He looked dashing.

I smiled up to him. I was so happy to finally be having the marriage I had always wanted. I was very lucky considering many Lady's my age didn't have a choice of who to marry. I'm sure they were all very envious of Daemon and I. Are story really is written in the stars.

normal POV :

Anyone could see the gaze of pure love in Daemon and Vissera's eyes. Many had tried to hold them back from there love and many failed. All of those failures lead up to this day. The victorious day of there great Wed.

As they stood beside each other the ceremony finally began.

"Now place the cloak onto Princess Vissera to show the protection you will offer her from now on." The Officiator spoke. His voice echoing around the walls of the throne room.

Daemon turned and draped the flowing gold and white cloak down onto his lovers shoulders.
"My feeling will never change for you sister." He whispered into her ear.
To which she responded by smiling up at him.

Before the Officiator spoke yet again.
"Let it be known that Viserra of the house Targaryen and Daemon of the house Targaryen, are one heart, one flesh one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them apart." He then continued by wrapping a ribbon around there hands bounding them together before undoing said bounds once more.

"With this kiss I pledge my love." Was all Daemon spoke before turning to face his sister once more.

And as if the whole world had stopped for them in that very moment. Daemon reached for Viserra's chin and pulled her in, before there lips met and they shared a passionate kiss.

It was shortly after broken form shouts and cheers from the crowd.

"Bring on the celebration!" They all screamed.

The newly wedded couple laughed before the festivities began. They were hand in hand. Husband and wife. Finally.

blood of my blood.    Daemon Targaryen   Where stories live. Discover now