Chapter Four

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A few days had past, and the splatoon had begun to set up their new base by the sea. It would be easier to operate down by the bay, where they could keep a closer eye on the sea. Mr. Grizz was yet to get back to them about meeting and discussing what to do about the salmonids, and Three had contacted him to notify him of their new captive, but something more concerning was at the forefront of Rain's mind.

Rain's three crewmates from a few days prior, Bigfin, Axel, and Akira, had been pronounced officially missing around this morning. Apparently, nobody had contact with them since the day of the attack, and from what Rain had heard, multiple other Grizzco Industries employees had also been pronounced missing. Rain intended to ask Mr. Grizz why that was when they'd meet, although he didn't know when that would be.

Right now, he needed to focus on getting Riot out of Octo Canyon. It was very easy to contain her in the canyon rather than babysitting her by the bay while they set up. If she were to hop into the water and swim away, there was no chance they'd be able to recover her and bring her back. They had finished setting up mostly, although Captain Three was still setting up some of the electronics and satellite dishes. Now, all they needed was Riot.

They'd stashed her in Suction-Cup Lookout, so she'd be away from the grate that led to the square. Her only other escape route would be trying to bear the toxic purple waters at the bottom of the canyon. For the past few days, they'd been going back and forth, taking turns feeding and checking on the salmonling to make sure she was still there. Every single time Rain had gone, she'd been laying on the closed off grate to the octo samurai. The splatoon had put covers back over all the grates to keep anything from going in or out, they didn't want any of the slimy fiends to rise up again as it would be disastrous.

Rain had just arrived in the familiar lookout. Being down here reminded him of his original mission. He remembered fighting that huge samurai, who had turned out to be pretty easy to beat once you got the gist of his methods. Back then, defeating the ugly warrior seemed impossible, but now he didn't seem so menacing. He looked around for Riot, "Riot?" He called, "Where are you?" He yelled. She wasn't on the covered grate she usually was. He began to worry she'd somehow escaped. Would Three see him as more of a failure than he already was?! Would he be yelled at yet again?! He panicked. Rain called out again, "Riot! Get out here!" He cupped his hand around his mouth as if it would make his message louder.

Something slinked out from the shadows, behind one of the large pillars. Riot appeared finally, allowing the sunlight to reveal her from where she had been hiding. She looked up at Rain as she approached with an annoyed twinge to her expression, "What do you want?" She grumbled, "..Do you have food for me again?" She asked in a hopeful tone.

Rain laughed a little bit, "Yeah, actually." He said, pulling out a bag of sliced squidberries from his big raincoat.

Riot scrunched her nose and made a disgusted expression, showing her teeth. She narrowed her eyes at him, "Didn't I tell you only YESTERDAY that salmonlings are carnivores? CARN-I-VORES. We eat MEAT!" She hissed, "Or are you too STUPID to understand what that means?" She yelled.

Rain laughed at her anger, "I'm joking! I remembered." He replied, pulling out another little baggie of leftover bacon he'd decided to make that morning. He opened it and threw it to her, "Catch!" He called.

Riot clumsily caught it, almost letting the fried strips of meat fall onto the ground multiple times. She began eating it ravenously, as if she hadn't eaten in days. Rain watched her boredly, leaning on one of the taller structures of the lookout.

He waited for her to finish, "So, I have to transport you to the bay where our new base is." He told her, "But I don't know how to do that without somebody noticing." He said.

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