Chapter Sixteen

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As soon as the pair got back to Minnow's Cay, the night began to drag like an anchor at the bottom of the bay. He had to keep an eye on Riot until morning, when the splatoon and Mr. Grizz would arrive to begin the day's mission. It wasn't that he didn't trust Riot not to run off, after all, she had agreed to stay until all the hostages had been rescued. Rain didn't know how he was going to explain how Riot somehow got out on her own when he'd let her go, and he was worried Captain Three would be extremely upset with him if she found out he agreed to let her go. He thought about Captain Three and Eight. He wondered if what Eight had said was true, and if Captain Three really was paranoid that she wasn't worthy of being a leader. Perhaps that was why she had been so strict with him, maybe she was just scared she wasn't doing her job properly, and that perhaps their old captain had chosen wrong.

Rain brushed the thought away and looked out towards the dark sea. The tide was high, the waves crashing roughly onto the rocks surrounding the concrete slab that Minnow's Cay resided upon. The sky was pitch black, as the city's light pollution made it near impossible for stars to shine through the murky black haze that was the night sky. He was sitting on one of the plastic chairs that Eight had brought. His back felt stiff and he felt awfully sore from sitting down like this for so long. He looked beside him, where Riot was sleeping on the ground with a blanket covering her body and a pillow underneath her head. She was sleeping soundly, even snoring a little. Rain felt envious, he wished he could sleep. Rain was sure that Captain Three would actually have his head if she found him slacking off instead of watching Riot. Rain's eyes stung and his eyelids were heavy, but he managed to stay awake until the dawn broke to reveal the day. His eyes had been half closed when the light of the sun poured into the sky and turned it hues of yellows and light blues.

It wasn't long after that Mr. Grizz showed up on his boat, anchoring at the cay and hopping off the boat to come talk to him. He seemed about to say something until he looked down and noticed Riot, who was still sleeping. He quietly grabbed a chair and pulled it beside Rain's, sitting down on it to talk quietly with him. Rain gave Mr. Grizz a small wave.

"Hello, Rain. Enjoying the night watch, I see?" He said in a warm tone, chuckling. It was so hard for Rain to see Mr. Grizz as an awful person, as Riot had described him. He was conflicted, how could somebody this nice do such awful things? The Mr. Grizz Riot had described wouldn't talk in a soft tone as not to disturb her sleep. He wouldn't stop to talk as the sun came up.

Rain shook his head, "Nah, not really." He told Mr. Grizz, "I don't know how Eight and Captain Three can do this all night without passing out." He sighed.

"I understand. They're overworking you." Mr. Grizz said, "Don't think I haven't noticed how your so-called "captain" treats you. She singles you out and discourages you." He pointed out, "You don't deserve that. I know you, and you are truly skilled and exceptional." Grizz said.

Rain shook his head, "Oh, I'm not that good." He said.

Mr. Grizz put a hand on Rain's shoulder, "Don't put yourself down." He told him, "I think you're a hard worker, and a loyal employee.." He said, "You trust me, right?" He asked.

Rain took a deep breath, "O-of course I trust you. It's just that.. I don't really know you." He told Mr. Grizz, "Shell, I've never even seen your face! You're always wearing that scarf over your mouth and those glasses over your eyes." Rain said.

Mr. Grizz went silent for a few seconds before he spoke again, "I see.." He said, "I am uncomfortable showing my face, as it is.. Horrific." He said in an awfully sensitive tone. Rain realized he'd just struck a chord. Had he offended Mr. Grizz? Mr. Grizz may have unintentionally done some probably awful things, but he didn't deserve to be exposed about his insecurities. He knew Captain Three had similar issues when her scar had first begun to heal. For the first few months they'd known each other, Captain Three had covered her face in bandages to conceal the horrible scar. He watched Mr. Grizz raise his hands to his covered face, grabbing his face covering and lowering it down to his neck to reveal his mouth and nose.

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