Chapter Eight

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After reading that text, Rain jumped out of bed. He put his gear on quickly, he didn't stop to

make eat a frozen waffle or say hello to his pet sea slug. He had more important things to do and all of that could wait. He struggled with his boots for a few moments before racing out the door. He had completely forgotten quite a few essentials, like his wallet and phone. All that was on his mind was the possibilities. Eight was sharper and brighter than anyone, how could they let Riot get away?! He dashed out the door, and through his apartment complex until he got to the exit. His apartment wasn't far from the square, around a 5 minute walk.

Rain dashed through the square and ran into an alleyway, running through the city until he got to Minnow's Cay. It was quite a feat to sprint all the way from his apartment to the bay. When he got there, he was huffing and puffing for breath.

The splatoon were sat on the lawn chairs, and Rain saw Mr. Grizz standing with the group. Rain was the last to arrive. Upon seeing Mr. Grizz, Rain remembered overhearing his conversation with Riot. Surely, even if he were to do something horrible like letting Riot escape, he wouldn't let anyone overhear. Mr. Grizz was smarter than that.

Rain looked at him suspiciously and stopped in front of the group, "So, Riot escaped?" He looked at Eight, who sat in a green lawn chair with their fingers intertwined.

They were looking at the ground shamefully, "Yes." They said in a low tone of voice.

"Why?" Rain answered blankly.

Eight took a deep breath and sat up straight, avoiding looking Rain in the eyes still and beginning to explain, "Last night, at around 5:00 AM in the morning, I was sitting there, Riot was in her trash can, everything was quiet. I got distracted by something, er.. Someone. Something about them felt really familiar." Eight looked to Captain Three as if the two knew something Rain didn't, "S-so I, foolishly, went to investigate, leaving Riot unattended." Eight said, "I'm sorry."

Rain didn't like how they were keeping secrets from him, why wasn't he good enough to know about what had happened on that mission the two had gone on a good while back? He looked to Mr. Grizz, he was going to be better than them, and actually be helpful and tell them important things, "Did you have something to do with this?" He questioned with a scowl on his face.

Mr. Grizz shook his head, "No? Why would I have anything to do with Riot escaping?" He said.

Captain Three frowned, "Don't be ridiculous, Four, he's about to help us find her!" She said.

Mr. Grizz nodded, "I am here to help find her, she couldn't have gotten that far into the bay" He said.

"But yesterday I overheard you talking to Riot about directions, and you offered to set her free if she gave them to you!" Rain exclaimed.

Captain Three glared at Mr. Grizz suddenly, "Is this true?" She asked.

Mr. Grizz put his gloved hands up, "N-no, well, yes. I may have said that to get her to speak, but I was never going to follow through with it. Sometimes, you have to lie to get what you want." He said sinisterly.

"Well, it didn't sound like you were lying, a-and now she's gone, so I have every reason to believe you set her free somehow." Rain replied.

Mr. Grizz sighed, "While it's good you think my lie was convincing, I never set her free, I need her so that I can recollect the golden eggs her gang stole, and get the employees they kidnapped back." Mr. Grizz said, "Why would I put a tracking device on her if I wanted to set her free?" He reasoned.

Rain froze, a tracking device? He thought to himself, "So.. If you had a tracking device on her all this time, why'd you wait until now to go find her." He questioned still.

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