Chapter Eighteen

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Eight was unsure of everything that was going on up until this point. They had no clue how to manage Isabella's short temper, or Rain's annoying light heartedness. This mission was important, and either individual continuously ruined things in favor of bickering like children. This wasn't usual for Isabella. Izzy had always been cool headed, and smart, if a bit harsh at times. Isabella had been chill, and that is what had attracted Eight to her originally. Isabella had always been the coolest person they knew, no doubt about it. Her skill was unmatched, and they had no complaints or concerns when the previous captain had decided to retire and give Isabella the role of leader. Eight couldn't imagine anyone else leading them, honestly.

Now, Isabella was paranoid and snapped at anyone who even remotely got on her nerves. It frightened Eight, who recognized the unusual behavior immediately. Paired with their own paranoia about Tartar potentially returning, all they could think about is if Tartar had gotten to Isabella and was controlling her again. They'd lay awake in bed each night, watching Isabella sleep. She'd ramble and fidget, toss and turn. It made Eight uneasy, though they knew Izzy had frequent nightmares. They'd ease their fears with that notion. Isabella was having nightmares. Isabella was stressed. After all, this was their first true mission as the new captain, and it seemed that everyone had their eyes on their usually level headed leader. Eight could understand the pressure to perform. They felt it themself. The way every subtle, insignificant mistake made Eight feel worthless entirely. They wanted to throw the baby out with the bath water, and quit everything because of it. Eight couldn't imagine how Rain felt when she berated him, but they guessed it all had come to light already. Rain and Isabella had an argument not too long ago about Izzy's treatment of him. Rain had looked at Eight as if Eight would come to his rescue, but Eight hadn't spoken up. Eight wasn't timid, but didn't feel like escalating an already bad situation further. All of that emotional whale fat would have to come after the mission. Isabella and Eight were on one side of the central platform, and Eight assumed Rain and Riot had taken the route on the other side. Eight hoped they were okay. They knew Rain could act stupidly when he was mad, and Riot was no better. They got to the point where the side pathways went up a little, giving the two a good overlook on the central area, where a rectangular formation of boxes was. Eight noticed there was a section of now destroyed boxes on the other side of the formation in the center. Someone had entered the middle area. Eight's first guess was Rain, he'd be stupid enough to blindly charge into the middle. Rain was nice, but he was definitely stupid. Eight would never tell him that to his face, though.

There was another, much smaller formation of orange boxes ahead. Eight could tell immediately that there were soldiers inside the formation. They were speaking octarian. Even with their memory hazy from their big fall into the metro years ago, they could still understand the language. It had been what Eight had grown up speaking, after all. Isabella could hear them too, they weren't exactly being sneaky. Isabela obviously was unfamiliar with the language, and looked to Eight to translate for her. There were two octolings, talking about something weird. Eight began to whisper, translating their conversation in a low voice as not to alert anyone to their presence.

"The salmonling that sent the invitation apparently isn't going to show up."

"Wait, what? Really? Did they say why? I'm curious now."

"We don't know exactly, just that she went missing somehow. Apparently they're sending a different salmonling to act as her replacement so they can still work out a deal."

"Aren't the salmonids and octarians already allied?"

"Yeah, but not the salmonlings. The salmonlings basically keep themselves separate from the salmonids, they just wouldn't take them after the war.."

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