Chapter Nine

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Ink flew, but not from the salmonlings' weapons. Rain opened his eyes and saw that somebody had thrown a splat bomb between him and the group of vicious fish. The group was surprised by the sudden explosion and fled backwards, scrambling away. Rain looked above him, on the tip of the statue's nose stood Captain Three, who jumped down with her hero shot at the ready, shooting the salmonids without hesitation. Eight soon joined in, dodge rolling from the top of the nose into the fray.

"We'll take care of these enemies, you grab Riot!" Captain Three yelled as she frightened two salmonlings back into the sea.

Rain nodded, "You got it!" He said, scanning around the mess of panicking salmonlings to find Riot. He saw her finally, trying to help the tall one with the bluish fins onto his feet. He had been blown back by the explosion of ink and was still recovering from the shock.

Riot pulled on his arm, "Delta! Get up, we're not losing this!" She hissed, dragging him to his feet violently.

Delta's legs wobbled, "B-but Riot! I don't want to get splatted! Please!" He said.

Riot let out a groan, "Fine! Flee back into the sea like a minnow, then!" She said.

Rain approached her quietly, and grabbed her by the jacket hood before she could turn around and notice him. By this time, the rest of the salmonlings had fled and she was alone. It was oddly quiet now, aside from the sounds of the waves and seabirds.

Captain Three came up behind him, "You got her?" She asked, glaring at Riot.

Riot thrashed and screamed, "PUT ME DOWN! PUT ME DOWN! I WILL TEAR YOU LIMB FROM LIMB IF YOU DON'T PUT ME DOWN!" She yelled, trying to kick Rain.

Rain held her away from his body, "Yeah, okay, it'd be cute to see you try." He said, "So, what was that you were saying about being helpless without your teammates?" He smirked.

Riot looked around, "What? No, everyone's still here, they're just-" She stopped thrashing and looked around her to see nobody coming to her aid, "..Carp." She grumbled.

Eight stumbled over to the two. Rain had never seen them so shaken before. Eight had always been cool headed and lighthearted in the face of danger, what about that empty hole in the statue's eye had changed that?

Captain Three gave Eight a sympathetic glance, and looked back to Rain with a sigh, "We should get back to the cay." She said.

Rain frowned, "No. I want you to explain what all this is about." He said.

Captain Three scowled, "..I said we should get back." She ordered, glaring at Rain coldly.

Rain almost wanted to freeze under that cold gaze, but he persisted, "No! No more secrets. Sometimes I feel like you forget I'm a part of this team, too." He argued. Eight flinched at Rain's yelling. Rain hadn't realized how loud he'd become in his frustration.

Captain Three took notice of this and looked offended, "For everyone's best interest, we should talk about this another time. We need to get Riot back to Minnow's Cay." She told him, beginning to walk right out of the conversation and back towards the boat. Eight followed, they were trembling.

Rain stood there for a good few seconds, letting himself simmer in his own bitter feelings.

The entire ride home was silent. Eight stayed close to Captain Three and continued to tremble and panic. Rain held onto Riot by her sweater hood still, making sure she couldn't jump off the side of the boat and into the waters. It would've been a useless effort, thanks to Mr. Grizz's tracker on her, but it would be annoying, They had work to do today, they had to save the other hostages Riot and her little gang took hostage.

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