Chapter Twenty

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The morning was bitter and cold. The sky was gray with the bay's mist, and would surely clear up once the sun rose higher into the usually blue sky. Eight hated mornings, they'd never been a morning person. They were in bed, laying on their back, their head on top of a few fluffy pillows. Their mouth was wide open and they drooled a little, completely comfortable. Nothing could beat a day in bed. Usually, Eight had time to sleep in. Their job started after eleven and all the turf wars they participated in on the weekends took place from the afternoon into the evening. If Eight could sleep in longer, they would. The only thing that could hinder their slumber was their partner, Isabella. Isabella was a morning person, always up at the crack of dawn. She'd take a shower, eat breakfast, watch the news, and go for a morning jog, all before Eight had a twinkle of consciousness. It was unfathomable how different they were, but they mostly got along. In their current situation, though, their disagreements were upsetting. Eight wanted to look for Rain. He'd been snatched up by Riot yesterday during their mission, and they hadn't so much as seen a shimmer of the salmonling's tail since then. Isabella was convinced that Rain was either dead, or that he'd make his way back to them on his own. Isabella seemed to think of it as some form of twisted punishment for his idiotic behaviour lately. Eight had to agree that Rain was a bit of a dunce and didn't think before he could act. He rushed into danger to try and prove himself worthy of Isabella's praise, only to put himself and the entire team in jeopardy. It boiled Eight's blood, but he didn't deserve to be trapped out in the ocean with Riot of all people.

Eight was half awake, staring at the ceiling with wet, tired eyes. They were lost in their own thoughts. Tartar was missing and Eight was scared he'd come back for revenge. Rain was missing. That new octarian emperor had looked so familiar it had sparked new memories to reemerge from the dark depths, the deep sea of Eight's mind that hid all their past experiences under dark, murky water that was too black to see the bottom. It was terrifying to imagine how Eight and the Emperor could have known each other. Eight almost didn't want to think about it, but they were sucked right back into their questioning. Who was that guy?

Their thoughts were interrupted by Isabella, who had menacingly walked into the room. The blinds were drawn and no sunshine peeked through, making the atmosphere dark and heavy. In the darkness, Isabella's unnatural blue eye seemed to glow ominously. Eight sat up, feeling somewhat nervous. That unnatural blue always reminded them of the metro. It was unsettling.

Eight frowned, "Isabella? What's up..?" They asked. In the dim light, Eight could see that Isabella was holding something, but they didn't know what it was. Isabella came closer and stopped at Eight's bedside, placing the object on Eight's lap. It was warm, but Eight still couldn't make out what it was.

Isabella reached for the lamp and turned it on, "I made you breakfast!" She said. She had a smile on her face. That smile usually made Eight's heart melt. Eight knew Isabella could seem authoritarian in desperate times, like on missions, but at home, she was just a regular person who liked sappy romance movies and orange flavored popsicles.

Eight smiled at Isabella, "Thanks!" They said, beginning to dig in. It was eggs with enough salt to fill an ocean and some buttered toast, alongside some fish bacon and sausage. Eight preferred things salty, so the entire tray seemed coated in it. They ate quickly, as usual. They were neat, and made no mess, even when eating as quickly as they did. They finished the food in no time, getting up and stretching. They grabbed the tray, and kissed Isabella on the cheek.

"I'll go wash this. Thank you." They said, going out into the kitchen. Isabella lived in a two bedroom apartment that was very pristine and clean. The walls were lined with photos of Izzy and her grandparents, of Eight and Isabella, of Isabella with the entirety of the splatoon. Eight couldn't imagine how stressed she was right now, it being her first mission, where she had to lead everyone to the right outcome and save Inkopolis yet again. If only Rain could see the pressure she was under, maybe he wouldn't accuse her of corruption.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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