Chapter Six

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Rain gasped, "Now? Like.. Right now?" He asked with wide, shining eyes and a smile.

Captain Three let out an, "Ugh." And said, "Yes, right now, we don't have time to lose if there are hostages." She said.

He nodded, "Okay! I'll go ge-" He was interrupted,

Captain Three shook her head, "No, I'm sending Eight out. It's nothing against you it's just.. There's going to be a LOT of salmonids out there, and Eight works better with a multitude of enemies." She said, looking a little nervous.

Rain frowned, "What? But- Eight's never faced salmonids before!" He protested.

Captain Three sighed, "I'm not arguing with you, Rain." She said.

Eight frowned, "But.. Rain has a point though, I've never even seen a salmonid before, let alone face a horde of them." They reasoned, "Let Four go." They told Captain Three.

Mr. Grizz nodded in agreement, "Yes, it'd be much easier to work with Rain than a total stranger." He said.

Captain Three frowned, but paused to think it over a second. She let out a heavy sigh, "Fine, but don't mess it up!" She told Rain sternly.

Rain found it hard to contain his excitement, he'd get to do agent work again! Although, Rain couldn't stop the nagging feeling deep inside his gut that something would go wrong. He doubted that Captain Three believed he'd be able to do his job competently, judging by the sour expression on her scarred face. Why didn't she like him? Had he done something to upset her? He didn't know, maybe she'd never be okay with him. Perhaps he'd just never be good enough. Rain realized he was being all pessimistic again and mentally told himself to shut up, to squash those feelings of doubt. He'd be fine, Rain would prove to her that he was worthy of her friendship, or at least her respect.

Rain walked over to the old wooden hut, "I'll be right out and ready!" He said, opening the door and disappearing inside it. It was dark inside, and as he felt around for a light, he knocked a pile of things over. They clanged on the floor and made a huge racket. Rain flinched at the noise and froze as he heard a voice from outside.

Captain Three's voice called from outside, "Rain? What was that?" She questioned.

Rain let out an, "Uhh.. Nothing!" In response. He found the light and turned it on, the entire room was full of neatly placed weapons and boxes. He looked around the room until he found a box labeled, "Hero Gear" in clean, cursive letters. He opened it to find some old hero suits, headsets, and boots.

He didn't wear a traditional hero suit anymore, instead he opted for his sturdy raincoat. It worked just as well with keeping the ink off. He put on all the other necessary gear, the headset, the boots made for rails.. He quickly tapped the headset's microphone, "Can you hear me?" He tested it.

Eight's voice came through, "Loud and clear!" They said cheerfully.

Rain quickly grabbed his hero roller and headed out. Rain came out of the hut, and smiled, "Alright, I'm ready." His voice played through a radio and the static feedback noisily interrupted him. The group flinched at the noise. He turned the microphone away from the radio and laughed a little, "Haha, sorry.." He apologized.

Riot had covered her ears from the noise. Rain remembered that salmonids had sensitive hearing and smell. A salmonid could sniff out an inkling in ink, and could hear a pin drop a mile away. He felt a little bad, and slowly walked over to Riot. He knelt down to her level, staring into the trashcan she was hiding in.

She looked up at him and bared her teeth, "What do you want now?" She growled.

Rain frowned, "Are you alright..? That noise seemed like it hurt your ears." He said, "..Do you salmonlings have the same advanced senses as salmonids do, or..?" He asked, smiling a little.

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