Chapter Seventeen

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A wave of shock rippled through him, and he dropped his roller as he hit the ground. He squirmed underneath the weight of whatever had knocked him down, trying to free himself. He saw Eight and Riot practically leap over him which gave him a hint as to what had so suddenly knocked him down. It was Captain Three. She must've been unable to stop as she was coming down the rail to the platform. Perhaps if Rain had just taken a singular step forward, they wouldn't both be fighting in a confused daze on the ground. He finally managed to pull himself out from under her, rubbing his forehead. The dull pain from hitting his head swiftly faded, and he looked down to see Isabella on the ground still. She was laying belly down on the platform, her eyes were half closed, and she looked stunned. Rain felt a slight feeling of guilt arise, bubbling in his stomach up to his chest. Rain knelt down on one knee, holding out his hand to help her up. Captain Three looked up at Rain, squinting her eyes as if she was struggling to see him. She gave him an odd look and finally got to her feet again.

Rain sighed, "I'm sorry that I was standing too close to the rail.." He apologized.

Captain Three narrowed her eyes at him, "Whatever.." She said, beginning to walk towards the launch pad at the end of the rectangular platform. She took a good look around, seeming to take in her surroundings. Captain Three stopped as she reached the launch pad, "Alright, let's go. It would be nice if we could avoid any more clumsy mistakes, that is." She commented, giving Rain a nasty backwards glance.

Rain had about reached his breaking point with her. He'd apologized, he'd been nothing but nice to the captain and still she considered him dead weight. It made him feel the type of anger that boiled in your veins and bubbled in your chest.

He took a few steps forward, "I'm not clumsy." He protested.

Captain Three slowly turned her head to stare at him, "What do you mean, you're not clumsy?" She asked him.

Rain almost barked out his response, "I was thinking tactically. I was trying to figure out if there were octolings hiding in the ink." He explained to her.

Captain Three stepped closer to him, "Tactically? Sure, I can buy that, but I still ran into you. You didn't think to take even a single step forward?" She said harshly.

This only made Rain more upset, "You always make me feel as if I'm not a part of the team! Like you'd rather I'd leave than put up with me!" He said loudly.

Captain Three didn't back down, "Sometimes I question why you were even chosen to be a part of the splatoon at all. You never seem to care about these missions! You treat them like some big game! Like a joke!" Captain Three yelled.

"Would it kill you to think positively for once? Or are you incapable?" Rain retorted back to her. He could see Eight and Riot watching them. They were standing beside each other, a few feet away from the argument. Eight had an expression of stress, looking around frantically to distract themself from the yelling. Riot was glaring at Captain Three with a familiar hatred in her eyes, her arms crossed and her yellowed fangs slightly showing in a snarl of an expression.

Captain Three turned her head to glance at the two over her shoulder, "Now look what you've done. You're making everyone upset! We have people to save, Rain. Real people!" She yelled, "So either you leave, or start acting more seriously." Captain Three said. Rain was getting serious, seriously pissed.

Rain clenched his fists, "I think you're the one who should start taking things more seriously. You're driving everyone apart!" He pointed out.

"Oh, I'm driving everyone apart?" She hissed, stepping even closer.

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