Chapter Thirteen

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It was getting dark, the sun setting in the distance as they walked through the city. Rain had been out for a while, it seemed, because it was now around 8:00PM and the sky was painted in all sorts of purples and oranges. Figuring out how to get Riot through the city without being caught or noticed proved quite a challenge, no thanks to her large, noticeable tail. He had finally settled on making her wear his huge raincoat to hide her tail, with the hood up to conceal her face. As they snuck through dark alleys and hidden backways, Rain found himself feeling a little worried somebody would find the two more suspicious than they would've been before, but the people of the city barely noticed them as they slinked in and out of sight. Rain kept a grip on Riot's wrist, making sure she couldn't run. Riot's red eyes darted around the sights of the city, and she cowered beside and behind him whenever they went through an even somewhat populated area. She seemed more timid here, more out of her element, a fish out of water. As a person from a city that saw salmonids as monsters, it was no surprise to him. He found himself thinking about the salmonid dwellings they had seen on the way to their mission. Those fish were scared for a reason, and Rain tried to stop himself from feeling guilty. Would they have tried to enter the city regardless of Grizzco? Was there a way they could've avoided this all together, simply by finding a different method of getting energy? They needed power eggs to power the city, but was the mass.. Slaughter, of the salmon race as necessary as Grizzco Industries portrayed it as? He was only one person, and all of this was hurting his brain. What could he do on a smaller scale to try and make it better? He couldn't come to a conclusion. He didn't want to see Mr. Grizz as bad or evil, he was much too kind to be aware of the possible harm he caused. Rain didn't know what to think, but he felt bad. He began to think of ways he could help the salmonid, or, a salmonid at least to quiet his sporadic mind.

He looked over to Riot, "So.." He began, trying to find the words to start a conversation.

Riot scowled and glared up at him, "What do you want?" She hissed.

Rain frowned and looked away, "I- Uh.." he struggled to speak, looking her up and down for some tiny detail to ask her about. He found himself looking at her pants. They were crusty patch pants with mainly red and orange colors. Most of her patches displayed words of passion, about Riot's ideologies and disliking of Grizzco, inklings, and the city. Specifically one patch caught his eye, one of an inkling with a big red cross over it as if to say, "No inklings!"

As an inkling, this felt a little strange to him, "So.. Whats up with all your patches? Specifically this one." He said, pointing to it with his foot.

Riot narrowed her eyes, "It's my anti-inkling patch." She grumbled, "I thought that would be obvious, but then again, you're an idiot." She stuck her tongue out at him.

"Anti-inkling? Why?" He asked. He was pretty sure he knew the answer to that question, but he was once again, scraping for any hint of conversation to get his mind off of how guilty he felt.

Riot looked annoyed now, "Are you kidding me? After all thats happened, you ask me why I dislike inklings? You all have everything, and yet you still kill my kind for more." She told him.

"But.. You're not a salmonid. You haven't told me much about your kind.." Rain said in response.

Riot shook her head, "I'm not sure you deserve to know, afterall, you're quite chummy with that stupid slime faced Mr. Grizz.." Riot said.

Rain sighed, "You're right, maybe he's not the best person.. But I doubt he realizes the harm he's doing. He's truly a nice guy once you get to know him!" Rain said.

Riot stopped walking, "That guy has done nothing but threaten me and look at me as if I'm dirt since I met him." Riot said.

Rain rolled his eyes, "You also said he stank upon meeting him." Rain pointed out.

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