Chapter Seven

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It slinked out of the water, riding the rail that went down into the murky black up so it was in sight. Immediately, Rain noticed its similarities to the steel eel. It was big like a train, with a huge armored piece at the front in the shape of a fish head. As the back of the horrible thing came out of the water, he could see that the end of the train had one too. Even through the thick, dark glass of the two mechanical heads, he could make out two salmonids driving the steeltrain on either side. In the middle of the steeltrain he saw a latch. The steeltrain wasn't one big long train, but two latched together. A distinct sloshing sound came from the huge cargo containers it was carrying. They were white, and he could see dark green ink splashing about inside each one.

Riot's laugh came over his headset, "You really think I'm that stupid? "Oh! I'll let you go if you help me!" NOT!" She mocked Mr. Grizz's voice, "Now, Rain will get splatted and I'll go free, I don't know why I didn't think of this before! Leading you into a trap was an amazing idea!" She laughed.

Rain felt his heart drop and his veins turn to ice, "Y-you what?! You had this planned the entire time?!" He barked.

"Not really, but as I was leading you closer and closer to the hostages, I knew there was bound to be something guarding them." Riot replied, "Now have fun getting splatted, squid." She hissed before getting cut off by presumably Mr. Grizz. It sounded like he had grabbed and restrained her.

Rain jumped onto a rail, "Whatever! I'll just take it out, Mr. Grizz, just focus on Riot!" He said as he began to slide upwards into the tangled mess of rails above him.

The giant steeltrain circled on rails above him, but what was it going to do? Hit him? He found that unlikely, since he could just jump onto another rail. Typically, steel eels had faucets that showered green ink in huge trails, but this one didn't seem to have that, or, not in the traditional way.

Underneath the steeltrain seemed to be multiple faucets, and sprinkler-like contraptions sat at the sides. They began to spray and sprinkle dark green ink, and Rain barely had time to move out from under the steeltrain and onto another rail before it hit him. Rain let out an, "Ah!" out of shock and jumped for another rail, still feeling the flecks of green ooze hit him from the giant sprinklers on its sides. He immediately thought to hit the latch, it would make the steeltrain separate into two and therefore, perhaps be easier to deal with since either half would be smaller. Rain took a risky leap, and flung his hero roller vertically to hit the latch. It broke with ease, and the end half of the steeltrain drifted apart from the leading. It suddenly raced upon the rails in the other direction, the two halves circling him like vultures above him. Green ink flew all around him from the two, and he narrowly avoided their speeding streams of ink.

He jumped onto another rail, he was going higher and higher on the tangled mess of rails.

"How do we defeat that thing you little shrimp!" Rain heard Mr. Grizz say.

Riot's voice came over the headset next, "As if i'd tell you!" She hissed back. She sounded like she was struggling against Mr. Grizz's grip.

Rain hardly had the ability to listen into what they were saying, he was too busy dodging giant ink missiles the steeltrain had fired. Who had built this thing?! It was like a flyfish, a steel eel, and a steeltrain all in one! It kind of reminded him of the octoweapons he had fought back in Octo Canyon, but the octarians hadn't made weapons and machines like this for the salmonids. He'd ponder it further if he wasn't so busy trying to stay alive. As one head of the steeltrain got close to him, he shot at the glass to try and get at the salmonid inside. His blue ink just bounced off pathetically.

He tried shooting at the sprinklers as the other passed by, but once again, the ink was deflected. Rain tried to locate where the turrets were coming from. In the middle of each steeltrain was a big bin that had the missiles all ready to fire, so he couldn't throw a bomb in it to make the turrets a non issue. Agh! What was he supposed to do?! He didn't want to give up and be splatted by this thing, not while everyone was watching. Was this how he'd die? Pathetically? He bet that Captain Three would just send Eight out to do this mission, and they'd probably do it better then he ever could. Rain looked down at his trapped crewmates, watching him fail miserably. Rain felt so embarrassed.

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