Heated Decisions or Discussions?

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"Babe, I'm home!" Mike yelled as he opened the door from the garage. "Can you come help?!"

As soon as she heard the door open, Carrie had hurried out of the kitchen and to the door to the garage knowing Mike would need assistance. She had talked to him the night before when he shared the news that he had re-injured his foot again. It wasn't like he had ruptured his Achilles tendon again like he had a few years back, but there was a lot of inflammation to the point that he found himself back on the injured list. He was going to be out for roughly two weeks. They had him in a walking boot which was manageable for the most part, except when carrying all of his travel bags and suitcase that he had on him from the string of away games.

"What can I do, babe? Do you need help up the steps?" she asked, already doting on him even though he wasn't even through the threshold yet.

"I'm fine, I just need help with the bags," he answered, handing her his duffle bag.

"Don't worry about the suitcase. Just leave it there and I'll come back for it. Go to the living room and get your foot propped up," she told him as she was in full fiancé mode. She took his duffle bag and one of his backpacks up to their bedroom and into his closet before hustling back downstairs to fetch the suitcase. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she noticed Mike at the end waiting on her. "I told you to go get comfy in the living room and get off your foot. Do you need to get any ice on it of a heat pad?"

"I just wanna say hi to my fiance after not seeing her for over a week," he grinned, reaching out for her hand. He threaded her fingers with his, gently pulling her close to him. He leaned down, his other hand caressing her cheek as their lips brushed together.

"Hi," she blushed, calming down ever so slightly from running around the house. "I'm glad you're home."

"I missed you," he confessed staring deep into her hazel eyes.

"I missed you too," she spoke softly, leaning up to kiss him again.

"Daddy!" Charlotte squealed flying out of her bedroom and down the stairs and jumping into her father's arms as soon as her parents made space.

"Charlie, careful with your dad's foot," Carrie warned, not wanting her daughter to be too rough with him.

"I'm good, I'm good," he shook off her comment, assuring her that he was tough.

Charlotte dragged him to the living room as Carrie proceeded to grab Mike's massive suitcase that was still in the garage. Carrie had made him lie down on the couch with the heating pad wrapped around his foot as she finished making the family dinner. The three conversed and laughed throughout the meal, catching up with each other on the week, mostly about Charlotte's time at school and all of her sports and activities.

"Char, can you help take these plates into the kitchen and set them in the sink?" the mother asked.

Charlotte obliged as she grabbed her mother and father's plates as well as her own and got up out of her seat. As she did so, Mike had took Carrie's hand from across the table catching her off guard as he gently laced his fingers with hers.

"Babe," he spoke, wanting her undivided attention. "When are we getting married?"

Carrie hesitantly chuckled, blushing from how she was thrown off guard so quickly by his question. "What do you mean?"

"Care, I asked you to marry me a month ago. I want us to set a date. Have you given it any thought?"

She stared into his eyes blankly, searching for any signs of light heartedness but she wasn't finding any. She knew he was serious. "I mean, we have to get through hockey season first and foremost. And when do you start training for the following season?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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