I Want It All

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 "So, have you thought anymore about Ottawa?" Mike asked as he spoke with his girlfriend over the phone. When first scheduling the tour, she realized that Canada was going to be some of her last shows. Since their relationship was new at the time, Carrie made Ottawa the last date and made sure Mike wouldn't have any hockey games, however, they both agreed that if they weren't ready, they wouldn't force Carrie to visit his family. Charlotte and Mike would spend the week there while Carrie flew back to Nashville for "work."

"I have," Carrie hesitated. "I wish we could have this conversation in person. There's so much I've been meaning to tell you."

Ever since Ivey and her had their much needed girl chat, Carrie so desperately wanted to just scream her feelings to Mike. It wasn't something that could be expressed over the phone. It certainly was something that she needed to do before visiting his family. The bottled up feelings were starting to make her nervous yet giddy at the same time. She had this tingly feeling that she couldn't quite describe.

"What is it you want to tell me? Is something wrong?" Mike furrowed his eyebrows, worried that something had happened.

"No, no, nothing's wrong," she assured him. "Actually, everything is more than perfect. It's just not something I can spit out on the phone."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm fine," Carrie chuckled lightly, trying to convince him and herself that she was okay. "I think when you and Charlotte go to visit your family, I want to go with you."

"Really? I'd love that, babe," his voice lit up at her response. "Gosh, I'm so excited. My family is going to be so excited to see you."

"Do you really think so?"

"Mere and Bud ask about you all the time...and you remember how much my mom loves you."

That was true. When Mike and Carrie first started dating, Karen treated Carrie as if she was her second daughter. Carrie had no idea how his mother felt about her now, after abandoning her son and granddaughter so many years ago. The thought stressed her out.

"You're going to be there early though right?"

"I'm actually flying into Toronto so I can watch your show there and ride on the bus with you to Ottawa," Mike explained. "I was thinking we could go out for drinks and dessert just you and me after the show before we head to Ottawa. I know it's not maybe quite the date that you and I-"

"It's perfect."

Three days later, Mike had arrived at the arena in Toronto just in time to have dinner with his daughter and girlfriend. Charlotte had practically sprinted into her father's arms. As much as she loved being on the road with her mother, she so desperately wanted to go home and spend time with the both of them together. She had gone too long being raised by a single parent and she didn't want to do it any longer.

Carrie's second to last show went off without a hitch. After waving farewell to the loud Toronto crowd, she exited the stage through the trapped door, completely on a full adrenaline high like she always was after shows. A stage hand escorted her through the darkly lit tunnels backstage and to her dressing room, giving high fives and "good jobs" to her band members after they passed her.

"Um excuse me, ma'am, are you the extremely hot talented blonde that was just on stage?" her boyfriend greeted her as she entered her dressing room.

Carrie elicited a laugh before responding coyly, "Maybe, but she's dating a handsome hockey player so she's off the market."

"Mmm, I'll take my chances," he smirked, wrapping his arms around her, dipping down and giving her a romantic kiss. They stood in the middle of the dressing room making out for a good five minutes. He pulled away when he felt her tongue slip into his mouth. "Do you want to get ready to head out for drinks?"

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