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 "Charlie, wake up," Carrie spoke softly as she ran her fingers through her daughter's beautiful blonde locks.

Charlotte let out a groan before trying to hide her face in the blankets. "Just a few more minutes."

"No can do," Carrie chuckled at how cute her daughter was when she was sleepy. "You have school."

"Can I just hang out with you for the day? Dad lets me do it sometimes," Charlotte lied.

"Nice try," Carrie laughed. "Come on, get up and get dressed. Breakfast will be downstairs."

After rubbing her eyes awake and letting out a big yawn while stretching her body, the teenager finally stood up out of bed and headed towards her closet to pick out an outfit. "Can you do my hair today? I have to present my project in front of the class today."

"Sure, just get ready here and meet me in my bathroom. I'll bring breakfast up."

Charlotte had been living with Carrie for almost a week, and both of them were trying to get used to the new dynamic. Carrie learned after the first day of having her there after missing a meeting and making Charlotte nearly late to school that her days had to start much earlier. She was doing the best she could though and they were figuring it out.

As for Charlotte, she was thrown off guard. She thought for sure that Carrie would be way more relaxed than her dad and she was going to get away with a lot more. Much to her dismay, the new parent was complete opposite. Carrie didn't let her have her phone until her homework was completely done, she made her go to bed at a decent hour, and made sure she didn't wreck the house. It was annoying to Charlotte sometimes, but what other person in her life would help her become a young woman besides her mother? Therefore, she didn't complain.

"So, Ivey is picking you up from school today," Carrie told Charlotte as she straightened her hair while Charlotte ate her cereal sitting in the vanity chair. "I've got a lot of work to do with this whole album so I won't be home until late."

Carrie felt bad for lying to her daughter, but she wasn't comfortable telling her what she was really up to, which was going on her first official date with Mike since they've gotten back together. Charlotte had no idea that anything was going on between the two, and Carrie wanted it to stay like that for a while until she felt confident with her and Mike's relationship.

"What about Dad?" the teen asked.

"What about him?"

"Why can't he pick me up?"

"He's busy," Carrie answered shortly.

"Doing what? He doesn't have a game tonight," Charlotte's eyebrows creased.

"He just said he couldn't," the mother lied.

"I bet he's just going out on a date with some other slut," the teen rolled her eyes.

Carrie jumped at her daughter's words causing her to change grip on the straightener, the hot part immediately burning the blonde's hand. "AHH!"

"Mom, are you okay?!" Charlotte turned around to see her Mom wincing in pain as she was quickly rinsing her hand out underneath the kitchen sink.

"I'm fine," she replied. "Just a little burn. Geez you know, for thirteen you sure have a mouth on you, and I don't know where you got it from because I know for sure you didn't get it from me or your father."

"Sorry," the daughter apologized instantly.

After dropping Charlotte off at school and picking up Starbucks to go, Carrie was on her way to work fighting the downtown Nashville traffic. While waiting at a stoplight, her phone started going off. Seeing that it was her best friend, she picked it up immediately. "Hey."

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