Seeking Approval

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 Mike made his way downstairs and into the kitchen early the next morning. He knew Carrie would sleep in due to being home in her childhood bed. Just like he had expected, Carole and Stephen were already up and fully dressed. She was making breakfast while he read the paper at the kitchen table while sipping on his coffee.

"Good morning," Mike smiled to his girlfriend's parents before taking a seat beside Stephen.

"Well, you're up early," Carole commented. "Did you sleep okay?"

"Yeah, slept just fine, thank you," he replied. "I checked on the girls before coming down. They're still completely out."

"Good, she needs her rest," Carole said, referring to Carrie.

"How's hockey season going?" Stephen asked.

"Right now we're first in the conference. We're for sure going to playoffs so it's looking good," Mike answered. "It's definitely different now though. It's harder being away from Charlotte and Carrie so much."

"I'm sure," Carole nodded. "I'm still not sure why Carrie never mentioned to me that Charlotte was on the road with her. That's a pretty big step don't you think?"

"It is, for sure," Mike agreed. "But Carrie is Charlotte's mom, and I would be crazy not to fully trust her."

"This isn't just any normal mother-daughter relationship though. Carrie's missed out on twelve years of Charlotte's life. She's been through so much more through those years without us that we'll never be able to understand. I just worry about the pressure of her having to take care of Charlotte on her own getting to her head and causing a relapse of her depression," Carole expressed her concerns.

"Carrie's come a long way though. Before she would be so hesitant to talk to anyone about how she's feeling and didn't know how to ask for help. She's surrounded by people that genuinely care about her and that she's comfortable with asking them for help, and I think we're at that point in our relationship that she fully trust me and I fully trust her and we can tell each other anything."

"I know there's no good way to come about this, but I do just want to make sure that you guys are truly happy," Carole prepared him for what she was about to ask next. "I'm thankful that Carrie was able to find her way back to you guys and that she was able to be the mother she was supposed to be. I know it's easy to assume that since she's the mother and you're the father that you guys should be together but I don't want you guys to have to force a relationship when-"

"Hold on," Mike cut her off. "Carrie and I are not forcing our relationship on each other just because we are raising Charlotte together now. We've been handling this relationship separately from our daughter and with as much delicacy to each other. I have fallen completely in love with your daughter and every day I feel our connection growing stronger."

"I believe the man," Stephen spoke up finally. "You should too, honey."

"I haven't talked about this with her yet but if anything, I see a really good future for all three of us together. I'm not saying it's now or really soon, but I do want to marry her one day. There's no doubt in my mind about that," Mike spoke firmly and confidently.

"Uh-h, what's going on?" Carrie asked as she interrupted the conversation. Her face was as bright as a tomato after hearing the last bit of conversation.

"Nothing sweetie, just catching up," Stephen answered his daughter. "Oh shoot! I forgot to get the mail yesterday. Care, can you go out and get it for me?"

"Sure..." she eyed all of them oddly, knowing something weird was going on before making her way out to get the mail.

Once she was gone, Stephen turned to the young man in front of them. "I think you're right by saying the time might not be now, but when the time comes, know that you have my approval."

Stephen and Mike shook hands, the hockey player unable to wipe the stupid smile on his face.

"Most of it's just bills," Carrie entered the kitchen as she handed her dad the mail.

"Thank you sweetheart," Stephen turned his attention over to his daughter, acting as if the conversation between him, his wife, and Mike had never happened.

The blonde made her way over to her boyfriend, giving him a peck on the lips before sitting beside him, "So, what have you guys been talking about?"

"Just hockey things," Carole smiled, admiring the couple in front of her that continued to fall deeper and deeper in love with each other.

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