You Always Have Me

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It was about two o'clock in the morning when Carrie quietly walked through the door of the Fisher household, carrying the single bag that she had packed, knowing that it was going to be a short trip. She looked around as she walked through the entryway, noticing everything was the same as it had been left.

"Care?" she heard her boyfriend tiredly call out for her in a quiet tone. Her eyes shot across the room as she saw Mike emerge from the living room, causing her to sprint up to him. She was lucky he reacted fast enough and caught her in his embrace, holding her as tight as he possibly could, as if he was wanting to hold onto this moment forever.

"I missed you so much," she spoke gently, her eyes began to well up with tears.

"I missed you too, babe," he kissed her forehead before dipping his head down to giver a proper kiss on the lips. "You're probably exhausted. Let's get you upstairs."

Carrie obliged as Mike took her overnight bed and guided her towards the stairs. The couple usually didn't spend the night at each other's houses and even when they did, they always ended up sleeping in the guest bedroom. They wanted to set a good example for their daughter as best as they could, and that meant not sleeping around together. However, Carrie was going to be home for less than 24 hours and in her vulnerable state, she needed Mike more than ever. It wasn't even a question between the two of them that she would be sleeping in his arms that night. Charlotte most likely wouldn't even notice that she had stayed there.

"How are you feeling?" Mike interrupted the thoughts that had been going through her mind since she had gotten into bed.

"I'm okay," she answered as she let out a deep breath. She knew in times like these where she was in a weak state of mind, she couldn't push the people she loved away. She knew she had come full circle because twelve years ago she never would have fought to keep her family. She would have let it fall apart, thinking it would be best. "I just keep reminding myself that I have you, and that's what is making this situation easier."

"Of course you have me," he replied softly, rubbing his hand smoothly up and down the side of her arm. "You always have me, Care."

She couldn't help but smile up at him, and he noticed the sparkle in her eyes that showed all of the life she had in her. Lately, he had been reminded of the dullness and the blank expression that he had constantly got from her over a decade ago after Charlotte was born, back when the depression was taking over her body. It had been a sign that she wasn't the Carrie he fell in love with, and he regretted being too late to catch it and letting her push him and their daughter away.

But now, seeing that spark and that fire in her eyes, he could see the determination, the fight, the drive, the compassion, and most importantly the love that had completely transformed her from the woman she once was. This little gossip and rumor that her daughter had gotten a wind of had nothing on the blonde country superstar.

Mike was aware that Carrie had trouble sleeping since she heard what was going on with Charlotte, and he assumed tonight would be the same. However, she must have thrown herself into so many nights of exhaustion that by the time she was laying in Mike's arms, she was fully asleep in minutes.

Carrie was sound asleep when Mike got up to help Charlotte get ready and make sure she got to school okay. She looked looked so peaceful and he could tell that she had no intentions of getting up anytime soon, which is exactly what she needed.

"Hey, so make sure that you come home straight from school," Mike told his blonde daughter who sat at the kitchen counter as he served her breakfast.

"What did you think I was going to do?" Charlotte wondered, a little bit with an attitude. She always came straight home from school. She was always eager to get away from the people that were ruining her life.

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