32 - Poker Night

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"Everything looks set for tonight, Miss Greyson." Tina rattled on in the background. I couldn't care less about tonight but the deal has been made and I need to make sure everything went smoothly despite my personal grievance towards the Bonucci.

Nicky might be an ass but Anna and I are still friends. I agreed to lend her our island and I'm not one to go back on my words. If only my dad hadn't insisted on me overseeing the whole thing personally. I just wished I could be with Luke right now instead of stuck in the middle of the ocean, playing caretaker to a piece of land.

I missed Luke. I had to go back to Chicago for a few days before flying over here. I haven't seen him for over a week. We've texted each other but I didn't dare to call him since I mostly was around my dad. I didn't want him to catch on that I might have a boyfriend. That would be an awkward conversation indeed.

When we're not hosting poker nights for a bunch of criminals, the island is an actual resort. Complete with a hotel and two dozen chalets, regular folks actually can come here to stay and enjoy the beach while they are here. But since it is now off season, this makes it perfect for a venue to host a night of illegal gambling activities.

Unfortunately, I'm not really in the mood for some sun, sand, and cards after I heard that Nicky would be one of the attendees. I haven't seen him since that night at the rave and hopefully, he will behave during the event and we both can get along.

Dinner was served but I didn't have much of an appetite so I decided to stay in my room until the game starts. Zipping up my dress, I leisurely put some finishing touches to my look. I'm wearing a tight red mini dress, sleeveless with a mandarin collar. A deep slit right in the middle exposed a bit of my chest and gave it a modern twist to the otherwise very traditional dress pattern. I have my hair in a neat french braid instead of my usual bun making me look classy but still hot.

Yup. I look hot. I wished Luke could see how hot I look. I sighed, already dreading the evening ahead.

Going down to the hall where the game would be held, I can't stop wondering what Luke is up to. His last text told me he had to go back to New York. He's probably busy with his family and whatnot. I can just call him once I'm back in Vegas.

I walked into the hall and saw that the first round had already started. There are ten tables with eight to ten players at each table. All the players are already seated and the only ones walking around are staffs.

I went straight to the bar, not really caring about the game. I'm only here to make sure no one got too rowdy and wrecked the place up. As I said, I'm just the caretaker. I care about the building, not much about the people. And right now, there's not much that needs my attention.

I ordered something with low alcohol content, not wanting to get too drunk since I'm technically on the clock, and opted to sit at one of the high backs sofa chairs near the window. Nursing my drink, my gaze eases outside, onto a little red boat anchored by the jetty. Watching the soft sway of the vessel as the waves danced softly, my mind drifted back to Luke.

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