7.10 new best friends

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When they get back Daryl and Caisy aren't with them making Genny worried.

"Where's Daryl?" She asks Rick.

"The king gave them asylum for as long as they need it," he says.

She turns to Jesus. "You gotta take me to him," she says without doubt.

"No, you need to come back to Alexandria. It would be to suspicious if you disappear," Rick says.

"I'm done listening to you. You got my brother killed. Daryl and Eugene being taken, Abraham...Olivia...spencer..." she steps forward with tears in her eyes, "glenn...that's on you! Nobody else! You don't tell me what to do anymore. I'm done listening to you," she says through her teeth.

Rick looks down before nodding. "If you go to the kingdom, Negan is probably gonna come here and look for you. He'll probably find Maggie and Enid. There's a risk if you go there," he says.

Genny walks away angry even though she knows he's right. She lost her brother...she thought she had lost her husband only to see him for less then an hour.

It had been a day since they left her at hilltop and Genny hated not seeing Daryl for that long. She hadn't spoken to him for two weeks before he got taken.

She knew how guilty he felt and she just wanted to tell him that it wasn't his fault. Even though she already told him that. She sits by Glenn's grave with her legs up and her arms around them.

"Hey, baby brother," she whispers with a breaking voice, "I miss you. God, I miss you so much." Her voice breaks more as tears roll down her cheeks.

Rick stands behind a trailer listening to her talking. "I love you, and I hope you knew that. Because I never got to say it. I told you in some form, but I never got the last hug, or the last words," she takes in a sharp breath.

"Caisy's back, I don't...I don't know what to think about that. I know you would've want me to try, so I will," she says softly as she wipes away her tears.

"Fuck, I miss you. And I love you," she smiles getting up.

She walks over to the grave and puts something on it. "Goodbye, baby brother," she whispers before walking away from the grave.

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