The Next Robin

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Midoriya staggered into his apartment. He was wearing his Robin suit. Batman had introduced him to his suit the night he defended himself against Bakugo and the other bullies. It had been two months since that day. Midoriya's suit look like this: 

 Midoriya's suit look like this: 

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Batman and Midoriya were in the Batcave. 

"You mean this suit is really mine?!" Midoriya asked, ecstatic. The suit was in a glass case, displayed in all its glory. It was like it was waiting to be worn. "I love the green. What materials is it made from?"

"Both this suit and my own are made from triple-weave kevlar. To an untrained person, it would be almost impossible to move around in. But with the proper training, it becomes flexible, merely feeling like weighted clothing." Batman explained. 

"That means it must be highly resistant to blades and small caliber bullets!" Midoriya shouted, gleefully. "And the utility belt! It's got everything! Smoke bombs, grappling hook, lockpick tools, breathing apparatus, teargas pellets, infrared flashlight, remote hacking device, and so much more!" Midoriya said. 

"Soon it will be time for your final test. That will be the first time you wear this. And should you pass, that will be the night you become Robin." Batman said. 

Back in the present, Midoriya entered his bedroom. Closing the door behind him, he disconnected his cape and removed his boots and utility belt. They clattered on the floor, as he collapsed into bed. It was after 6:00am and now Saturday. Luckily, Midoriya's mother was working, so she wasn't home. Midoriya had just accomplished a great feat. One that only Batman's greatest enemies had succeeded in doing. He had just evaded capture from Batman for an entire night. For a solid eight hours, Midoriya consistently used everything that he was taught. Everything from his new muscular physique, to his massive skill set, was pushed to its limits. Truth be told, Batman used everything he had trying to find Midoriya, as well. 

Midoriya was completely exhausted, but he slept with a feeling of great accomplishment. He had achieved his goal. Or, at least, the first part of his goal. He had passed his final test, and his training was now complete. 

Batman had just pulled into the Batcave. Exiting the Batmobile, he transferred his call to his massive computer. A giant image of an older gentleman appeared on the screen. "He's not ready, Alfred." Batman spoke. Reaching his workbench, he removed his cowl. Black eye-shadow covered his eyes. During the hunt for Midoriya, his cowl had sustained damage, to the point that his detective mode couldn't even work. 

"Master Bruce, why are you so hard on Young Midoriya? Both Master Dick and...Master Jason trained for a total of six months before their final test. You had Midoriya train for ten. And now, you refuse to allow him the pleasure of passing his final test." Alfred asked. He had a clear British accent. Alfred was in the primary Batcave in Gotham City. 

"Dick was raised in a circus. He had the necessary agility and athleticism before I had even met him. And Jason...he grew up on the streets. He was a common punk...But it takes strength and smarts to survive that kind of upbringing. And...they each had lost their parents through some terrible means. That served as their motivation. Now I ask you Alfred, what did Midoriya have?" Bruce said. 

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