Final Exams

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The practical portion of the Final Exam was now underway. The tests would be one at a time in a large testing area, resembling a city. The teachers would each be wearing heavy braces, as a handicap. The objective was to either escape the testing area or capture the teacher with handcuffs. Most of the class had gone someplace to talk strategy with their assigned partner, except Midoriya and Uraraka. They had decided to watch the matches up until it was their turns, to see what they could learn. He was partnered with Bakugo and her with Aoyama. It was no secret that Bakugo was a stubborn hothead and Aoyama was too egotistical.

The first match was Kirishima and Sato vs Cementoss. The giant doors closed and a horn sounded. Cementoss raised numerous walls, blocking their direct path to him. Kirishima and Sato rushed forward and used their quirks to bash through. Midoriya and Uraraka watched on a big screen, from a distant room.

"Their tactics are horrible." Midoriya simply said. Uraraka turned to look at him, curiously. "Those two are all about brute strength, in both personality and quirk. Plus, they each have time limits, while he doesn't. Cementoss knows all that and is using it to his advantage." Midoriya added. His training under Batman allowed him to analyze nearly any combat situation and find the best option.

"So, they put us against teachers that exploit our weaknesses. Makes sense." Uraraka said, understandingly. Of everyone is 1A, she had probably conversed with Midoriya the most. His isolated personality cared nothing about making friends and had virtually ensured no one could get close to him. While his teachers were aware of Midoriya's tragic backstory, he was merely considered mysterious among his classmates. In the end, Kirishima and Sato failed to adapt and lost their match. After watching the rest of the matches and learning a lot, it was finally time. Midoriya and Bakugo entered the testing area. The doors closed behind them with a loud metal clang. With that, the horn sounded, signaling the beginning of the match.

"When this is over, we'll have individual scores, so we'll see who's better whether you like it or not." Bakugo stated. He started walking forward. "I'll beat you with an indisputable difference!" he added, not looking back. Midoriya ran forward and tackled Bakugo through a glass window of a building. He grappled his arms and pinned him to the ground. Midoriya's knee was in Bakugo's back and both his arms were restrained in a manner that he couldn't explode Midoriya without involving himself. "Get the hell off me! Bastard!" Bakugo screamed, fuming.

"I want you to shut up and fucking listen for once. I don't care about you, your backstory or your diluted idea of strength. I care about passing this exam the first time around. If you don't want that, then I can knock you out right now and we'll both lose." Midoriya said, threateningly.

"If I have to get help from scum like you, then I'd rather lose! I don't need you here!" Bakugo ranted, angrily.

"And I don't need you here. But this is the hand we were dealt, so you can either deal with it or suffer the humiliation of losing in the first two minutes." Midoriya stated. Bakugo turned his head forward and slammed his own face into the ground, frustrated. He stayed like that for a few seconds before raising his head back up. Blood was coming down from his forehead.

"I'm not doing some convoluted plan of yours." Bakugo simply said.

"Oh, I think you'll find it real simple. For the most part, I just need you to be yourself." Midoriya replied, confidently. He released Bakugo and the two stood up. He only had about thirty seconds to explain before All Might sent a huge gust of wind their way. It was powerful enough to destroy several buildings. All Might appeared outside the window they had gone through.

"Standing around in a vacant building? I warn you, if you think lightly of this exam, you'll be sorry. Come at me with everything you've got!" he declared, ominously. He rushed forward, as did Bakugo.

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