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Bruce and Izuku were in Bruce's massive Japanese penthouse, where Izuku now lived. He sat on a couch, stooped over. Bruce was standing, his hands on his kitchen counter. He was facing away from Izuku.

"I was eight years old... I had gone with my parents to see 'The Mark of Zorro'... Alfred was bringing the car around. But it was raining and my father wanted us out of it... We took a shortcut through an alleyway... And a man with a gun approached us... My father tried to reason with the man...but he panicked and shot my mother... Then my father went to attack him... And he was shot too... I was just a child, so I guess he spared me..." Bruce said, grimly. There was great pain and rage in his voice.

"I guess we really are the same... Only real difference is I was fighting crime before...before my mom was killed..." Izuku said, tearily. He ran his hands through his hair, laying his head low.

"Izuku...I'm s-" Bruce began.

"It's not your fault." Izuku interrupted. "To be honest...I don't know who's fault it is anymore... But I know one thing, for sure... I was gonna kill him... The Joker... I wanted to tear him apart... I wanted to beat him as hard as I the life go out of his eyes... I still do, but...but I just don't know anymore..." Izuku said, hoarsely. Bruce raised his head up, thinking. He turned around and walked to Izuku. Crouching down, Bruce placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder.

"You wouldn't be the first one... I've almost killed Joker more times than I can count. All any of us can do, is what we believe is right... But we can't kill him." Bruce said. Izuku looked at him.

"How long is this cycle going to last? The police, they arrive AFTER people have already died. Heroes... What they do, is not enough... And us... Seems like no matter what choice we make...we still lose... People still die..." he said.

"I think about that every time I put on my cowl. No matter what happens, remember you're not alone. The entire Bat-Family is right alongside you...struggling just the same..." Bruce answered.

The teachers and staff of UA all sat at a table. Aizawa was there as well. Although, he was covered in bandages, similarly to when he fought the Nomu. There were several topics they were all discussing, and he refused to miss anything.

"It won't be long now before the students return. I think we can all agree that building dorms on campus was the best option, over all. Between the bombing of the Sports Festival and the tragic loss of a first year, we need to re-establish to the world that we are capable of providing ample care and protection to our students." Nezu said.

"I know sending the children home for awhile after the bombing was necessary. Their parents were concerned for their safety, and we had to get our affairs in order. But I can't get over it..." All Might shuttered. He clenched his fist in frustration at himself.

"We understand, All Might. The fact of the matter is...Us sending the students home is what allowed that first year to die..." Midnight said.

"Yes...Tenya Iida... His brother was nearly killed by the infamous Hero Killer the day of the Sports Festival. As such, when we sent the students home, he took it upon himself to track down the Hero Killer the very next day, by himself. This led to his untimely death...Such tragedy..." Nezu said, grimly. Everyone's heads sunk low. It was no secret they each felt responsible. They paid no regard to Iida's mental state before sending him home with everyone else. He was well known. The teachers considered him an intelligent and capable young man. He was sure to make a fantastic Hero.

The very reason Aizawa had tracked down and fought Batman so aggressively, was because of his death. Iida had been killed a day after the Festival. Seeing as Batman was thought to be responsible for the bombing, which lead to the students being sent home, Aizawa had it out for him. At that time, he had considered Iida's death every bit Batman's fault as it was the Hero Killer's. So when Aizawa found him, he held nothing back.

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