Pre-Exam Week

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"As you all know, your final exams are only a week away. I suggest you all take what little time is left to prepare your minds and bodies, for both the written and practical sections of the exam." Aizawa said. Kaminari sank low in his desk, his hands on his head.

"Oh, man! I haven't studied at all! There's been way too much going on this semester!" he cried out.

"I haven't studied either!" Ashido wailed, regretfully. The two held the lowest grades in the class.

"I can't say that I've studied sufficiently, myself..." Tokoyami said, ashamed. He lowered his head in self disappointment.

"And it doesn't help that the final exam will be even tougher than the midterms." Sato added. Mineta sat at his desk, with his head resting on his hand.

"Huh? With my grades, I should only have trouble with the practical portion of the exam." Mineta said, in a condescending tone. Kaminari and Ashido's regret had now turned into shame.

"Sometimes I forget that he's surprisingly smart..." Kaminari said, with his head low.

"The test should be easy if you just pay attention in class." Todoroki calmly stated. Hearing this, Kaminari was once again discouraged.

"Don't worry, I can tutor you." Yaoyorozu offered, smiling. Kaminari's eyes lit up with relief. Yaoyorozu suddenly stood up from her seat. "In fact, I will prepare an open study session in the common area of our dorm. All who want to come are invited!" she declared, eyes sparkling. Several people ended up saying they wanted to come. Midoriya sat at his desk, quiet, as always. Since joining UA, he had held the highest grades in the class, surpassing even Yaoyorozu. His closeted skills and intelligence still remained a mystery to his classmates. And even after the time he had been there, no one had any idea he was quirkless.

It was now lunchtime and the class was headed to the cafeteria. As Midoriya was walking, Monoma intentionally bumped into him. "Oops. My bad." he said, sarcastically. Those around turned their attention to the two. "So, you must be the late arrival. The replacement of 1A's Class President. At last we meet. I must say, you don't seem all that impressive." Monoma said, arrogantly. Many of Class 1A were angered at his blatant disregard for Iida. Meanwhile, Midoriya moved a step closer to him.

"Impressive? Who cares about that? Bump into me like that again, and we'll see just who the stronger one is." Midoriya threatened. A noticeable sweat drop could be seen on Monoma's forehead. He covered up his intimidation the way he usually does.

"Well, well, well! Look at this! The famous Class 1A, getting easily triggered and threatening other students! My, my! I can't say I'm surprised! Your entire class is obsessed with attention, after all! Everywhere you go, yo..."

Monoma's ranting was stopped by Kendo, who had chopped him on the back of the neck, knocking him out. 'If she didn't do something, I was going to put him threw a wall.' Midoriya thought, annoyed.

"Sorry about him guys. You know how he can be." Kendo apologized. The class was very nice about it, especially considering it was almost impossible to hate her. "Hey, did you guys hear about the final exam? An upperclassman told me that the practical portion of the final exam will have us fighting against robotic villains." Kendo said.

"Whoa! Just like the entrance exam!" Uraraka yelled, surprised. Kendo's expression suddenly changed.

"Wait... We've met you before. At the sports festival." Kendo said, looking over Midoriya. She had recognized him from when he infiltrated UA in the past.

"Maybe. Maybe not. I have one of those faces." Midoriya replied, walking away.

(Class 1A seating chart for reference)

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