Chapter 1

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Matt POV

I sat on my bed, knees up to my chest. I could hear my parents fighting in the next room, but I didn't want to listen. 

The doorbell rang. My parents didn't even stop fighting. So I went downstairs and opened the door. It was Gus. 

"Hey Matt, wanna go to the illusionist graveyard? I have new ideas." I smile. "Yeah, sure."

I shut the door behind me, and we start walking. We just goofed around a bit, talking about school and such.

 " Hey, do you remember when we stood up to Bria?" I ask him. "Yeah, that was awesome." He says back. "I know! I mean, I should have stood up to her sooner." "Yeah, you should have. She was a jerk."

We arrive at the graveyard and start working on his ideas. I circled my finger in the air to make something, but the circle was wavy and uneven. It hit me in the eye, and I fell to the ground.

Gus POV.

"Matt, are you okay?" I ask him. Something falls into his hand, but I can't see what it is exactly. His head was towards the ground. 

"Stand back!" He snaps at me. "And I'm fine." At this point, I'm just confused. But I stepped back anyway. "What's going on?" I say. "I didn't want to tell anyone this, but," He turns his head towards me.

His eyes don't look normal. They were glowing red and had a small black x in the middle. "Matt, your eyes look differ-" "Different. I know. I wear contacts. My mom always said they were weird, even though it's not even that weird, based on the things I've seen in the Boiling Isles." He said, looking down. "She tells me that it makes our family look bad and had me wear colored contacts ever since.

"Hey, it's fine," I tell him. "I think they look kinda cool." Then, the black x in his eye disappears. "Thanks, Gus." He says.

Matt POV

"Uh, Mattholomule?" He asks. "Yeah?" "The black x, it's no longer there." What did he mean? The x had always been there my whole life. "I don't know. That's never happened before." 

"Well it's getting dark, we better start heading home." He says, gazing at the night sky. "It's getting late." "Yeah." I say, smiling.

I was actually really happy. Really happy that Gus didn't overreact about my eyes. I was still confused. Why don't I have the x in my eyes anymore? Why did it disappear? That had never happened before.

We both walked home in different directions, and that means I had to walk alone. I was thinking about asking Steve about my eyes, since he's the one who told me that it was just a sickness that I would kinda never get rid of.

I opened the door of my house. Nothing big. No one was in sight when I walked in, just our dirty old couch and kitchen.

I knocked on Steve's door. "Is that you Mattholomule?" He said. "Yes, it is, let me in." A few seconds later he opened the door and let me in. He was kinda surprised to see me without contacts.

"Hey, what's up?" He says. " Do you know what it means when the black x in my eye disappears?" I ask. "Oh it's no biggie. The black x means negative emotion." My face turns red as I realize something.

"Okay, I'm going to my room." I say, with my face still red. "Okay then," Steve says, picking up his book.

I slam myself onto my bed and scream loudly. By the time I lifted my head up, my face was bright red. On one hand, that had never happened before. Am I that grumpy? And on the other hand, do I like him? I had never really questioned my sexuality before. But my parents wanted me to date Selina, because they work with her dad.

I finally went to bed after that long, confusing day. 

Author's note: 665 words for my first chapter! Yaaasss

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