Chapter 7

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Authors note before we start (not required to read)

Bo and Celine ARE actual characters. And the reason I put Celine in the story is because she went to Grom with Mattholomule. You can search them up, it's just that I cannot add a picture due to Wattpad being uncooperative. Thank you for all the love on this story. Oh and, chapter 8 will be the Grom scene.

Off with the authors note, here's chapter 7!

Matt POV

I was pretty excited to go with Gus to Grom, but not really. I mean kinda mixed feelings. My parents would be so mad knowing I'm going with someone other than Celine this year. I'm so stupid for thinking that I could actually go with him. Maybe I could text her. But before I could text her, my scroll dings. It's her.

Celine: Listen, I can't go with you. It's going to make my head hurt dancing with you again like last year. I want to ask Bo.

Matt: Yeah, Gus already asked me. My parents would be mad at me if we didn't go together, and yours probably would too. Want to just pretend? 

Celine: That might actually work. Well, I'm gonna go text Bo.

I turn off my scroll and head towards Steve's room. I knock on the door and wait for a few seconds. It takes him like, 15-20 seconds to answer, but I hear the door creak open. "Hey, lil bro! What cha' up to?" "Can you go with me to the night market? Maybe pick out something for Grom?" I absolutely wanted to look my best. "Yeah, of course." He says, while putting his hand on my head and messsing up my hair.

At the night market, I pick out something that was similar to my outfit last year, but way cleaner and new. I feel satisfied. This year Grom might not be a total bummer. I hope so.

Authors note (sorry, again.)

I don't know what to write for this chapter. But I have so many ideas for the Grom scene, and it should come out very shortly after this one.

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