Chapter 3

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I sat on my bed after school and looked at my scroll. I check my texts with Mattholomule. Nothing. He hasn't texted me since yesterday.

That's weird. He usually texts me after school. Speaking of Matt, why did he run away from me today? I was just asking him who he wants to take to Grom, nothing special. Does he not want to be my friend anymore?

I push those thoughts away. We've been best friends for a year now, and he wouldn't just throw all that away. Right?

"Bing, bing!" Goes my scroll. It's Matt!

Matt: Hey Gus. Sorry about today.

Gus: Hey Mattholomule! And it's okay.

Matt: Wanna go to the graveyard? We can finish what we were doing yesterday.

Gus: Sure! I'm gonna head to your house so we can walk together.

I put away my scroll and jump off my bed down the stairs. "Dad, I'm going to the graveyard!" I yell while sprinting down the stairs. "K! Be back by dinner!" He yells back. "I will!"

I get to Matty's house, but it seems strangely loud in there. There's yelling, screaming coming from inside. I knock on the door. I wait for about 30 seconds, then Matt opens the door. I had never noticed this before, but his house has old, ripped furniture. Not that I'm judging.

When we walk towards the graveyard, I kinda feel tingly. Not in a weird or bad way. Just in a way that I've never felt before.

I sit down on the dirt once we're there. Then I remember last time we were here. "Hey Matt, did you ever find out what the x disappearing means?" His cheeks turn red. "No.." He mumbles. "Okay?" "And also, why were you mean to me the first time we met? We never really talk about those times."

His eyes become wide. "Well.." He hesitates. "I got made fun of at Glandus. I wasn't very good at my magic. People though I was weak. But I though once I went to Hexide, if I acted tough, I wouldn't get made fun of again." He pulls me into a hug. "I'm sorry." He whispers.

Now I'm blushing like crazy. I don't even know what's going on. I feel warm, but shakey. That's weird.

As it gets dark, we both go our separate ways. Im thinking, do I like him? Seriously? After a year of friendship? I brush it off and keep walking home.

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