Chapter 12

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Matt POV

I woke up in Gus's bed, but Gus was no where to be seen. I got out of his bed slowly, my body still aching. I opened the door and saw his dad making breakfast for himself. "Where's Gus?" I ask, looking at the floor.

"Oh , hi Matt. He went to school. But your allowed to stay here as long as you like." I smile. I definitely didn't want to go back to my mom. So I walked back into Gus's room and sat on his bed, trying to get some zz's.

Okay, so this is the dream sequence where we are going to find about what I think happened in his past. This dream takes place after he became president of the HAS.

I woke up in my original bed in my house. I was panic, thinking about what brought my here. But when I saw that I was in my all construction uniform, I knew this wasn't real. It was probably a dream.

I opened my bedroom door and started walking down the hallway. My dad and my mom used to fight, but now it's my step dad and my mom. But since I had the HAS crown on my head, I knew that this was a time he was still here.

I put my ear up against the door, only to hear this:

"That brat! I got a call from that Augustus's dad that he was picking on kids at Hexide! We can't send him back to Glandus, he almost burned a kids eye out!" Screamed my mom. "Honey, he can't help it. His emotions control his condition, and the kids were picking on him!" "I DON'T CARE!!" My mom yelled at the top of her lungs. "You know, I cannot take this anymore. You never pay attention to both our sons! I'll move out with both of them." "Oh no," my mom said sarcastically. "Looks like I called the police and told them your secret the second you said move out."

I remember this now, but now I understand. Dad had stolen something big from a company a few years back, and police have been trying to find him. Mom knew, just didn't tell until that day. That was the day dad went to jail and the same week mom married a new guy for the third time. First it was a strange man who had no kids with her, Steve's dad (then I was born), and then this one who she just married.

I tried to wake up, but I couldn't. I ran back to my room. I wanted to wake up and hug Gus. That was honestly all I wanted.

"Matty?" I hear in the back of my head. I'm not sure if I'm messing with myself, or I'm waking up. I suddenly wake up in cold sweat. "Matty! You're up!" Gus smiles and hugs me. Finally, he was home. I hugged him back as he kissed me on the cheek.

"I'm sorry Gus, I had a nightmare." I said. "About the day my dad moved out" I muttered quietly. "Oh! Are you okay?" "Yeah, I was kinda waiting for you to come back." "Okay, then let's have some boyfriend-boyfriend time, shall we?" I blushed a little. "Sorry, I'm not used to us dating." "Honestly, me neither." He admitted. "But we will get used to it together!!"

Authors note : This story if making no sense right now, and sorry about that. And sorry I'm taking it slow, and it literally took 8 chapters for a kiss on the cheek, 9 chapters for a kiss, and 11 chapters for them to start dating lol. I will try to make more chapters soon.

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