Chapter 10 (very short I am sorry)

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Matt POV

I flopped down on my bed, still in my Grom outfit. I hugged a pillow as my face turned red. I cant believe me, an absolute jerk like myself, kissed Augustus Porter. It just made my stomach fill with butterflies as I thought about it. I wonder how I would approach him the next day after what happened. Are we dating?? I never really thought of that. Trapped in my thoughts, there was a knock on the front door.

I peeked threw my door to see that my mom opened it. That's unusual. She's normally in her room, fighting with dad. But I go downstairs anyway. As I step down the stairs, I see Celine standing there. What was she doing here? Did I have to date her again? Those were terrible thoughts. Back in those days, my life was terrible, dating someone I hate.

"Ma'am, I am here to tell you that my parents made me walk here. Mattholomule and I did not go to Grom together." My mom looked raging mad as Celine continued. "I am deeply sorry Mattholomule, but he did go to Grom with someone else who I do not know of and do not care. I went to Grom with my classmate Bo, and then my parents found my texts with her on my scroll." My mom suddenly turned her head towards me and boiled with anger. "I- I think I need to go." Celine stuttered. "Go, Celine. I need to have a talk with this, boy." I felt terrified as Bo left our house.

"How dare you! Not going to Grom with Celine. You know we work with her parents! You've embarrassed the family home with your little scheme." "Mom, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean-" "Shut up!"

Everything kinda went blank after that.

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