Chapter 11

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Trigger warning:mentions of abuse

Gosh,I kissed him. I KISSED HIM! I cant believe it. Last night was a blast. It was super fun, hanging out with Willow, Amity, Luz , Hunter and Matty.

While I was fantasizing, I heard some noise from downstairs. It was my dad, kinda sounding freaked out. I was about to come outside my room, when I heard a faint knock on my bedroom door.

I opened it to find Matty, with his arms bruised and his head covered in blood. I immediately shouted out "Matty!" and running to my bathroom for paper towels. He sat down on my floor, not saying a word during this whole thing. I sat down next to him and started to pat his forehead with the wet paper towel.

He flinched. "I'm sorry Matt, am I hurting you?" I ask him. Then he just looked at me, with a look that I didn't know what quite it meant in his eyes. At that moment I remembered that I had some ice packs nearby. "I'll be right back." I say as I start to get up. When I get back I pat his forehead again, this time with the ice pack. It didn't seem to hurt him as much. Suddenly, he speaks for the first time. "G-Gus, I-I'm sorry." I feel so bad for him. He looks hurt and in pain. I want to hug him but I don't know if I can do that without hurting him. So I kiss him lightly and start patting the ice pack again, but this time on his arms. His arms were about purple, and red was smudged on his forehead.

"Matty, can you tell me what happened?" He went from looking at the ground, to looking at me, to looking back at the ground, and then crossed his arms. "It's okay if you don't want to tell me Matt. But just know I'm here to talk." He looks at me again. "O-okay.." he manages to sputter out. "Well, my mom w-wanted me to go the G-Grom with Celine, you know that right?"

I think I knew where this was coming, but I couldn't be sure. "I-I was thinking I could g-go with you in secret, but- ugh!" Mattholomule held his head in pain. "C-Celine came to my house and told m-my mom about it. I just remember screaming in pain and after g-going to your h-house."

I had never seen Matty like this, nor heard him stutter that much. I gave him a very soft hug, trying not to hurt him. As he was crying and I was wiping his tears, I said "Do you want some clothes? Your Grom outfit is covered in blood." He turned bright red, as he muttered out "Y-Yeah." I got up from my bedroom floor to my closet. I pulled out a black hoodie and gave it to him. He slipped it on over his outfit.

"Are you feeling a bit better?" I asked. He nodded yes. I gave him a very light kiss on the cheek, and after he puts his hand on his cheek and blushes. "Hey, I know I've told you this before, but you can talk to me whenever." A smile appears on his face as I smile back. "H-hey, uhm, like, will you uhm.. be m-my boyfriend?"

This is the most I have ever blushed in my whole life. "Of course." I'm still smiling, and so is he. Then he kisses me. It's not as magical as the Grom kiss, but it's still nice.

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