Chapter 14

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Sorry I haven't wrote in a while. But I do have a new story about Mollibby. Go check it out if you like Tgamm! Let's start the chapter, shall we?? :DD

Matt POV

Simply cannot breathe.

Well, not literally, or else I would be dead.

But you get the point, right?

A date with Gus. I would have never thought that this would happen. Also that I'm his boyfriend. I just thought it would be a go to Grom together and then be friends again but this is a dream. I don't understand what he sees in me though. Especially after what I did to him a little more than a year ago.

Yes, I still feel guilty for that.

But back to the date!!

"Matty, you ready?" My head falls into my hands hearing him call me that, but I still respond "Yes! Just give me a second."

I rush down his stairs and greet him. As I'm walking towards him he grabs my hand and kisses it. He chuckles as my whole face turns red. And then I start laughing too.

Then I hold his hand as we walk out front. "Do you want to walk or drive?" He asks. "The evening air is nice, can we walk?" "Of course!"

I have a firm grip on his hand as we walk. "You really got my hand there, don't you?" He chuckles (again lol). "Oh, sorry." I say as I lighten my grip on his hand. "No, you're fine. It feels nice."

Oh man I'm blushing a lot today.

"Hold on, did you forget the picnic.. stuff?" I ask him. "No, it's right here." He replies. "There's the park! Let's find a good place to set up." I say.

We set the blanket down and eat the food. A few minutes later, Gus interrupts the silence and says "So uhm, about before you came to my house.." I stare at him. I haven't really thought about that night since I was at his house.

He continues. "You came to my house all bruised up, and then I helped you. What happened exactly?"

"I still don't remember very well." I sigh. "I was supposed to go to Grom with Selena, right? Then I went with you, mom found out I didn't go with her and then she yelled at me, everything blacked out, and I came to your house."

"Oh wow, I'm so sorry." He said looking concerned. "But it's all over now." He kisses my cheek. "Stop making my flustered, you're doing that on purpose aren't you." "Maybe, maybe not."

He bursts out laughing and I do too. I kiss him just for a moment and then hug him.

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