Chapter 9 (still the Grom scene lol)

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Gus POV (This chapter will be half his pov and half Matt's)

Matt ran inside and by the time I opened the door, he was already to the gym door. I didn't know what I felt at that moment. I could say mixed feelings, but honestly I didn't know for sure.

I had to talk to Luz, even though she looked perfectly happy with Amity. They were dancing away to the corny, Grom music. I tapped Luz on the shoulder. She turned her head around, still slow dancing. "Oh hey Gus." She said. "I need your help.." I muttered. "Can't a girl have valuable time with her girlfriend? But okay, what's up??" "Matt ran from me and I don't know what to do." "He did? I mean, I told you he was a jerk-" Amity elbowed her. "Hey! But okay.. what happened?" I hesitated as my cheeks turned red. "Matty kissed me on the cheek." I sputtered. She went from (still) dancing with Amity, to turning her head , and the look on her face said it all. "Oh yeah, Amity did that too me once." Amity turned her bright pink. "Sorry sweet potato. But Amity didn't really come to school the next day, and I didn't see her til later that week. You should talk to him. I think I see him on the bench outside the gym." 

At that moment, I decided to go with Luz's idea. I walked to the other side of the gym to talk to him.

Matt POV

I felt so embarrassed. Why did I do that.  I was sitting on a bench out in the hallway, right outside the gym. As I was in my state of depression, the door made a creaking noise as it opened and Gus came through. I was happy to see him, but at the same time I wasn't. He sat down next to me. "Hey.. I just wanted to say that I really like you, I really do." As I looked up at him, he smiled at me, and I smiled back. Then he kissed me on the cheek, just as I had. "See? Now we're even!" He laughed. 

Then Gus got up from the bench and turned to me. "Want to go dance?" He asked, reaching out his hand. I gently grabbed it as I slowly got up from my seat. "Sure." He pulled my hand as we got  onto the dance floor. Sure, we weren't as good as Luz and Amity, but hey! We still did fine. I was having so much fun, playing games, talking with him, and dancing. And I will say he looked good  his outfit. Also, I did see Celine at Grom. She was really happy with Bo. I had never, and I mean never seen her smile like that when she has with me.

As I was drinking apple blood near the snacks table, I hear his voice. It was Gus! "Matty!" He said, out of breath. I turned red at the sound of that name. "Y-yeah?" I stuttered. "C'mon. Let's go to the spot we were in earlier. The sky looks beautiful this time of night."  I followed him, and jeez, the sky looked marvelous. I gazed at the sky in awe,  as he looked at me. "You know Matty, this has been one of the best nights of my life." "Mine too." I said, looking down and blushing.

"I know this is kinda random, but why did you move to Hexide?" He asked. "Well.. this was the time when I didn't have my contacts. The slightest emotion would cause them to burn really bright, and nobody would be able to see. At least, I think that's why because that's what I thought when I was young." "Oh. I'm so sorry Matt." He replied. "You don't need to apologize." I looked down. "But everything is better now. I have contacts and I have you." He blushed and smiled. Suddenly he pulled me into a kiss. I though I was actually going to turn into a tomato. When it stopped, we were both red. For the first time he was even more red than me. Then Gus broke the silence. "I love you Matty." Still red, I said, "I love you too."

Authors note:

I am seriously questioning this chapter. I have never done a chapter like this before (plus this is the longest chapter, like around 700 words).

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