Property problems....

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"Illigal property"

Do any of you know what it means?

If not that let me clear it as i understood it as an 18 year old

Its  when someone takes a place or areas which does not belong to oneself but someone else entirely....

How i happened to write about this thing here you may ask?



Was again...

Traveling from the E-Rikshaw

As usual

And i heard the talk between the driver and my father...

I only understood some bits and pieces cause my attention was on something else entirely...

Since most of my ideas come from traveling on the roads that connects my school to my home...

I again got inspired to write this small- little chapter...

The topic started with traffic yet again cause why not? It was such a melting weather that you will be able to cook your egg n omlette..

I hate heat

I hate this particular season sooo much...

And guess what? From our local shopkeeper we got a news that this hotness of our hot sun will be continuing till 15 NOVEMBER!!


you know how it was used to be so cold in Septembers and Novembers back then?

This big change of weather has come from nothing but a simple, solvable? PROBLEM!

What else could it be other than pollution leading to global warming?

Oh wait

This was not it was supposed to be

I mean...

This chapter..

So continuing the story...


Hey there it's me from the future..
Well today, it's 31st March and 9:37pm currently..and i have finally decided to publish this long awaited chapter which I wrote who knows when...

And tomorrow is my second last exam and on 3rd too..

I just hope to finish them as quickly as possible..






congratulations to me i guess..

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