Her Story

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This is the story of my best friend of 6 years....her name is Priyanka as you might have got to know in the previous chapters...

[Between i asked her if i could write about her here and she said i can because it is fun to read.]

So first let me tell you about her family tree.
Her family consists of her parents - her mother and father and an elder brother and there are also her mother's sisters but since they live separately, i won't be including them in the tree.

The first thing that you should know about her is that...she...is really emotional...like...yeah very emotional i say this because i have seen her cry so many times....

Who does not have problems in their families....

But the thing i find interesting is that most of the time the problems of families are similar with just different people... different members...

So, one thing that is common between her situation and my situation is that....our own family members do not trust us.

What is trust?

Isn't it just believing in the things we do... without taking into account what the thing is, which we are doing?

For her that lacking of trust comes from her.... brother

....and for me?


My parents....

I find this same situation so funny when it is a very serious thing for my friend....


Well...now it's just a habit and....to see my own parents not believing in things i do with my phone which he himself gifted me is such a.... funny thing for me...

As for her.....

it's her brother.

While she find me lucky to be born in such a family and environment....

I on the other hand am also very envious of her....

In india....it is a common thing...
Me being born in a gujjar family....
Can tell you how it...just boils my blood to be here.

All they care about is....oh! 'She' has become bit older now...'she' should marry...no?

Why the focus on she?

Well...there is also a very old 'he'
Old enough to find a job
Old enough to start his own family
And yet

"Anyways...the girls should be married first"

--- by none other than my 'old' grandfather


I hate the word marriage

People think that these things have become old and have vanished since it's a new era....they say that people have changed their minds.....

But do you know the one thing that is hard to accept?


You go ask any old man or any old woman here in my world....
They will tell you it's a tradtion...and their ancestors have been following this kind of sh*t

You know what is an arranged marriage?

No you don't....
Don't even say you do....
If you haven't experienced it in front of your eyes....
Don't you dare say that you know what it is....

My parents and her brother are similar in one case....they are all paranoid people...

The worst case of paranoia...

.....is where you lose all sort of trust

The one who becomes the target of such a thing....can only pray that they will trust you just for a single second.

So...she told me while she was crying....

"He thinks that i am doing something bad...he accused me of having boyfriends and whatnot....he said that i am going out of hand..."

"He doesn't even have an ounce of trust for me"

"He himself is such a person who do whatever he wants....well he has a job...and i on the other hand...has not achieved anything yet"

"He do whatever he wants, go wherever he like, with whoever he likes, no-one knows the password of his phone but he insists on knowing mine, installs an app which puts restrictions...."

"What should I do?"

"You know when i hear things about you writing and using your phone freely...how envious i get"
So that was what she said...
And i had no words to put in front of her as she was crying...
But i did tell things which happens to me too...
And you know what?
We sympathized with each other...

Our other friend Meenal might not even know what it feels like...
It's maybe because i don't know much about her...
You see...there is still a year left...

A year

So that we can still act like a kid

So that we can make memories........

I hope that this year
Will become very slow...
Even slower than a turtle...

[As for the conversion about marriage and my hate for it....will surely be continued in the next chapter]

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