The Days 2

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How my tuesdays were spend again?

I don't remember,

All i remember that they were exactly the same as my Mondays, my Wednesdays, Thursdays...

It was like my life was being copy pasted.

Nothing note worthy.

They were just some days..

Waking up,

Washing up,

Drinking up milk for breakfast,

Going school,

Talking with friends,

Meditation in the assembly,

The anthem,

Back at my desk,

Waiting for attendence, roll call,

Taking out books,

I didn't particularly liked maths nor did I hated it,

I shined brighter in the english classes,

Hindi was there too,

Science? Was after lunch or before I forgot but it was a world of fear not from the subject but...


Art was love but they don't know how to teach,

Sometimes the period was given to someone else altogether...

I didn't like craft exactly you know,

I wanted to paint, draw, sketch..

Then there was P.T. which always remained in theory..

I wanted to run, feel the wind, exercising was nice but the school ground was small, and being in higher grade we were not allowed to play...

You are big kids now and your BOARDS are near, you should worry about studying, when we were your age.....

That's what they always said..

S.S.T. aka Social Science Studies..

Which had 4 books, including History, Geography, Political science, Economics..

Basically it was a class where you can't sleep but where the sleepiness comes in a bundle,

Everyone could be seen with their eyes dropping low and yawning.

Fun days they were..

What I liked aside from our arts class was IT or computer class.

Our favourite member of the family which makes our mood jolly.

We would go to the computer room to study, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe flash, Photoshop, HTML, MS Word, and many more..

I liked computers no doubt there..

When we were little we used to play games on them and draw in Paint.

There were many things that happened in between too,

But how to put them in words?

Not that hard but, I don't wish to miss the feeling while I write something that did not match that feeling..

Maybe some other day..

Then I will go wait for my brother to come out at the front gate and then we will go back home together..

It wasn't that home was far away but..

It was just that, walking together was nice for me...

As for my sibling?

Talk of another day yet again...

Getting Home, changing clothes,

Drinking milk,

Taking the phone,

Watching YouTube or playing a game,

Or instead sleeping..

Then at exact 5.00 p.m

It would be time for my Homework to be done by non other than me.

I won't go at extra lengths for it,

Just finishing what was asked and leaving the next thing to come for tomorrow or the day after tomorrow..

But when the time comes for a test,

I guess I would have taken a book or two,

To atleast understand what was written,

The notebook for what actually I wrote in a daze,

And then it will be Eight or maybe 7:30 where there will be a call for dinner..

We would eat while watching TV,

Then after dinner, was time for some daily soaps,

When the light goes out and when we finish watching every episode for the day,

Time would come to sleep..

But I?

Would remain awake in the middle,

Waiting for the sleep to come naturally rather than closing my eyes for the fear that unnecessary thoughts may come..

The alarm would buzz beside my ear,

For the next day to come..

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