The Days

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Today, it's Wednesday..

Most people would like to start something new on Mondays but here I am starting my new phase of book, on Wednesday..

But really I do not like Wednesday that much,

Instead I like, Saturdays,

Maybe because I was born on Saturday.

Who knows?



My Monday mornings used to be so ongoing and I always knew what to do and what to expect while getting ready for school.

Either it was my middle school or my High all girls school..

I knew what we will study and what i might have to do, and hence my heart will always be ready for what is yet to come.

I would wake up at 6.55 am to wash up and wear my school dress by then.

I liked to reach my school a bit early so that I could enjoy some quite time and to clean the messy blackboard..

Then my classmates will start to come and then I would feel left out yet again watching them talk and stuff.

Though that didn't always stumped me that much.

What do they talked about?

Who knows? They might have been talking about the homework they didn't do, or tution stuff were I refused to go, girlfriend or boyfriend talks? Crushes they might have.. people they met suddenly, people they lost...

You know it could be anything..

A transition from being a child to a teenager was nothing to scoff at, it spoke of trouble.

So, I think they would be talking about what a normal teenager might talk about.

I always thought why I wasn't able to mingle in their talks.. maybe I grew up early or maybe I was growing a bit more slowly than the others around me.

Teenage talks, never interested me nor the things which they found funny.


I still laughed though it all,

If I understood most of it or even when I didn't.

Then the bell would ring.

To tell us all that it was time for us to reach out in the hall and stand for an assembly.

These morning assemblies were something I enjoyed.

Since, it was the time were all class on the ground floor and 1st floor would stand collectively, hand clasped in prayer.

Then if they have something important to announce they would do so after all of us were done praying and were seated cross-legged on the mats.

If there wasn't such a special occasion or day, we will start with exercises, mostly the ones that could be done while siting.

A student would be giving instructions on what should be done, I had been to such a role on multiple occasions since my Roll number was 5 and it would rotate real fast since most students liked to not come to school at all.

And sometimes the teachers would forget the continuation and then start again, why would the students complain if they were the ones being excused from such roles?

No one would, that's why I would go to sit on the chair at front to face all those children and teachers standing at the sides, a mic at front.

It took sometime for me to get the courage that no matter what I say they would follow and no one will complain unless the time runs out to start the classes.

Then after the meditations will come the most exhausting time to read out News which had to be written beforehand, and mainly the headlines.

Before I found it too troublesome but now that I think about it, it was a good idea as we might all want to know what is happening in the world.

But, only if the news the children wrote was something to note, or important to say the least and for god's sake, one has to hope they didn't copy the news of yesterday.

Children were children, some would totally forget to even write it.

After all was said and done we would all stand up and a tune would start from the speakers for us to follow and speak the anthem.

If the speaker were not working we would go so fast that it would totally go off tune.

Then sometimes, in between when some students would talk and be naughty and got caught in the act they would stand at the side for the whole assembly.

Sometimes, our PT sir would call those boys and girls who were not dressed in a proper school uniform, who had their nails long or who had their hairs reaching till thier nose, mostly boys.

As far as I remember, i was never called out.


We all would go to our respective classes.

Take our seats.

Wait for our class teacher to come and take attendance, if not then our class monitor would take up the job to call out our roll numbers.

I would watch my classmates speaking in low voices.

Someone would always be seen writing the date on the blackboard.

Some would have their heads down on the desk as if trying to sleep.


"Present sir/ma'am"

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