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Magical Britain was at war.

Lord Voldemort, You-Know-Who, He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named - names of an extraordinary wizard who had promised to world to everything dark - had all but won, with only one obstacle left on his way to his bloodied throne and an empire to rule.

It was Jason Potter.

It was the Order of the Phoenix.

It was the Resistance.

Lord Voldemort and Jason Potter, as the prophecies said. Neither can live while the other survives.

'This war is between You-Know-Who and Potter. One will kill the other, and then, this horror shall pass.' These were the words of those who knew they would be safe no matter who which side wins. The rest- the pureblooded and muggleborns, the rich and poor, the wizards and those who were not; all waited for the outcome of this vicious fight, carrying the fear of their oppressor's success everyday in their hearts.

The group formed to oppose Voldemort's reign who had worked tirelessly to fight the Death Eaters for almost four decacdes now, were forced to cage themselves within Hogwarts in an effort to keep the muggleborns and their families safe, scouring for support from the nooks and corners of the country, maintaining the Statute of Secrecy all the while being declared and hunted down as the criminals and the enemies of the world they fought for.

And they were running out of resources and time.

Every time the Death Eaters attacked a muggle town, a crack appeared in the pedestal on which the Statute of Secrecy stood. Too many hits, and all that they stood for would crumble within seconds. If the muggles discovered the hidden magical life, the world would drown in an ocean of blood, smoke and fire.

Too many injuries, too many deaths, too many lives.

Too much guilt, as their friends and family fell down one-by-one.

Too much pain, as scars piled up on their bodies and minds, covering up their entire being.

Everyday, they fought, strategized, killed, hunted, stole and fought.

Everyday, they lost hope.

Everyday, they stood up again.

For how long will the war last? It had dragged on too long, tearing off pieces of everything it touched.

This fight had lodged itself in the very core of every person involved in it, so much that most of them did not even know how to dream of a life outside of it.


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